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About the new cannons...

9,882 MarisaKujo  5.2 years ago

With the announcement of 1.9 we have proper cannons in game now.
However as I and many has found out this cannon cannot fire in salvos when a vehicle (A ship in my case) is equipped with more then one cannon.

If a ship is to have more then one cannon, the "Firing delay" option would be the time until the next gun is fired, similar to how bombs and missiles work. Thus it is very hard for a ship with lets say more then one cannon to fire all her guns at once.

plz give all us floating big gun lovers some love as well XD

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    9,882 MarisaKujo

    @EternalDarkness Yeah I know...
    It's just when you have something like more then 10 guns when stuff got tricky somehow...

    5.2 years ago
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    You can set firing delay to "0" on all guns except the last one to fire, and set firing delay on the last one to be time between salvos. It's not a perfect solution, but it's the closest you can get without the salvo option. I have suggested salvo option to devs and they'll look into it.

    +6 5.2 years ago