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My SP History

140k BaconEggs  9.4 years ago

I have been here for quite some time and I have improved alot in building, so it started somewhere around when school was almost out, just a couple more weeks. I had been playing simplerockets. I then went to Simpleplanes. I went through some challenges, after that, I found the "download planes" button. I downloaded an A-7 (don't know who it was made by), and a DC-9, by Teus. I had then made a purple hydra (GTA5). I then started to make commercial planes. Before that, i had tried to make the Quinjet from Avengers. Try as I might, the engines I used were too back heavy, and was a complete failure. I decided to make it a vtol plane. Shortly after, I registered as BaconAndEggs96 (that was my PSN name, still is today), and shared a basic jet airliner, vtol jet, Airbus a340, and DH Comet. Soon, school was out, and I had all day to work on planes - A huge benefit Over the time of summer, I covered alot of ground. School had started, and the update just came out. I had improved on a lot. I basically restarted building things, and lead to today.

That was how it basically started.

Yours truly, Bakon.

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    1,598 Astron1

    So you went back to BaconEggs but without and. Ok.@BaconEggs

    9.3 years ago
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    @icecoldlava a a legend. haha.

    9.4 years ago
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    1,598 Astron1

    Well that is what I meant. A sudden transition out of nowhere @PuhBuhGuh

    9.4 years ago
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    3,802 PuhBuhGuh

    @Astron1 I never saw the transformation or the relation. All the sudden BaconAndEggs is gone and Bakon is here.

    9.4 years ago
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    1,598 Astron1

    I remember the day I saw the transition from BaconAndEggs to simply Bakon.

    9.4 years ago
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    140k BaconEggs

    @PuhBuhGuh DANGIT

    9.4 years ago
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    3,802 PuhBuhGuh

    @Bakon nope

    9.4 years ago
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    140k BaconEggs

    @PuhBuhGuh Black Ops 1

    9.4 years ago
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    3,802 PuhBuhGuh

    @Bakon NO1?

    9.4 years ago
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    140k BaconEggs

    @PuhBuhGuh Alrighty. You play BO1?

    9.4 years ago
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    3,802 PuhBuhGuh

    Well expect a friend request from ewor_rovert on your playstation.

    9.4 years ago
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    1,954 icecoldlava

    And that is how a a legend is born

    9.4 years ago
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    4,841 NovaTopaz

    Well, unlike you, I had more time during the school year due to having the macbook air. Unfortantly, once school ended, I could no longer upload aircraft for the most part, so I went dark. I hope to get a new laptop this year though, so hopefully I no longer need to rely on either my Ipad nor Macbook to do any of my builds.

    9.4 years ago