Ello! I'm confused cause I'm looking at the world map posted somewhere on the forums here, but.. I try going out towards maywar and the kraken, but I can't find either.. and you'd think the former would be easy to find considering it's a massive island. Have these two been taken out for performance purposes? Or am I just missing them?
@Wildcat1941 how can I download maywar plugin in android
@Kakhikotchauri1 o
@Wildcat1942 yea kahis made it
You can download maywar plugin for android
@Randomdoggo sadly ios don't support mods
@CruzerBlade @TifftheCat @Randomdoggo @Kingstevenrules
Click here just see it
iIOS never even got those...
@TifftheCat @CruzerBlade Makes sense. Thanks!
They're absent in the mobile version, yes for performance purposes.