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A super rudimentary guide on how to make the basic gauges (will be updated)

9,447 vcharng  5.3 years ago

I believe there will be people doing this better than me, but here we go.

Attitude indicator: Two rotators connected in tandem, one turning on Z axis (for roll) one at X axis (for pitch), for the one that controls pitch:
Range: 180
min -2 max 2
input: PitchAngle/360
speed: 1

for the one that controls roll
input: RollAngle/360
(others are same as above)

Consists of three gauges, hundreds hand, thousands hand and (if you use feet) ten thousands hand.
make three rotaters controlling three different hands, for feets:
input: Altitude/3.048 (i.e., turn one full lap per 1000 feet, so the hand points at the hundreds)
min: 0
Max: 2
(others are same as above)
Thousands: Altitude/0.3048
Ten thousands: Altitude/0.03048

Airspeed Indicator:
This is more tricky because it depends on where your dials start and end. Assume my speedometer turns 270 degrees at max speed 500 knots:
Range: 180
min: 0
max: 1.5
input: clamp01(IAS/257.2)

This depends on layout, but basically it's a rotater with input: heading/360

Fuel gauge:
similar to airspeed indicator but input would probably simply be "Fuel"

This depends on how fast your day/night cycle is, and you need a way to adjust it to the time you spawned in, pretty complicated, will do it later.

Vertical speed: (it DOES WORK, just my stupid math.)
This.... would work in theory, but I'm not that confident.
Assume you're using a Cessna-ish V/S gauge, where the neutral position is to the left, and plus or minus 170-ish degree equals to 2000 ft/ minute.
Range: 170
min:-1 Max: 1
Input: (here's the party, brace for it)
clamp(GS*sin(PitchAngle-AngleOfAttack)/10.16, -1, 1)
(10.16=609.6/60, 609.6 meters equals to 2000 feet, so 10.16 meter per second is equal to 2000 feet per minute)

Ground Proximity warning: I FOUND OUT HOW TO MAKE IT WORK
the new functions does not accept the traditional v>x input.
so the correct way would be
sign(100 - AltitudeAgl) (or whatever number you want it to go off)
BUT. beacon lights still don't accept this, so try something else.

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    Hey i dont understand the speed gauge one. Can you please explain more?

    1.7 years ago
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    37.6k Dissent3R

    @vcharng famous last words.....😢

    1.9 years ago
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    16.8k MrGreen

    GPWS is:

    `AltitudeAgl>2 & AltitudeAgl<100 ? 1 : 0

    3.8 years ago
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    9,447 vcharng

    @ollielebananiaCFSP This FT line was designed before we have calculus. This FT command uses aircraft speed to "calculate" (instead of directly measure) the vertical speed/climb rate (they ARE the same thing).
    As such, there will be errors due to not being able to eliminate all the factors (for example, AoA works on the aircraft's coordinate system, not on the absolute coordinate system, so unless you are perfectly level on the roll axis there WILL be an error).

    After the introduction of calculus, a simpler and more accurate way will be to use "rate(Altitude)" instead

    4.2 years ago
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    @vcharng maybe, but I tried your FT line and it doesn't do the same thing

    4.2 years ago
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    9,447 vcharng

    @ollielebananiaCFSP Climb rate and vertical speed is the same thing.

    4.2 years ago
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    @vcharng yeah but this is for the climb rate not the vertical speed

    4.2 years ago
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    9,447 vcharng

    @ollielebananiaCFSP Now we have rate and sum (i.e. calculus), simply doing "rate(Altitude)" would be simpler.

    4.2 years ago
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    clamp((sin(PitchAngle) + sin(AngleOfAttack * cos((pi / 180) * RollAngle)) + sin(AngleOfSlip * sin((pi / 180) * RollAngle))) * (TAS / 288), -2.5, 2.5) for the vertical speed :))

    4.2 years ago
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    37.5k Ruvie

    @vcharng Thanks!! :D

    4.8 years ago
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    9,447 vcharng

    @RuvienRepublicCitizen Another way is to use fuel consumption, but unfortunately fuel consumption rate in SP is very unstable.
    (the input would be "rate(Fuel) * [total fuel capacity] / [maximum reading of the dial]"

    +1 4.8 years ago
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    9,447 vcharng

    @RuvienRepublicCitizen There is unfortunately no actual RPM input now. We usually use Throttle input instead. However, this can deviate from the actual RPM greatly, especially in the case of propeller (in particular, manual pitch) engines.

    +1 4.8 years ago
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    37.5k Ruvie

    I have a question, what is the input for Engine Rpm?

    +1 4.8 years ago
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    9,447 vcharng

    @IStoleYourMeme Possible reason:
    1. space between the symbols
    2. you used .03 instead of 0.03 which causes the system to require the space
    for your reference the altitude I'm using does not require spaces between the / and the functions and numbers

    +1 5.3 years ago
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    The altimeter (ft) here didn't work for me at all. Here's what I found (edit: what I found to work):
    Hundreds: Altitude * .0328084
    Thousands: Altitude * .00328084
    Ten thousands: Altitude * .000328084

    5.3 years ago
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    5.3 years ago
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    9,447 vcharng

    To everyone on this thread: I've made a basic instrument panel based on the settings of this post.
    Perhaps you guys would be interested.

    +1 5.3 years ago
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    9,447 vcharng

    @CrashFighter05 Oh yeah, I forgot you don't need to clamp the fuel function.

    5.3 years ago
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    24.4k NoGoCars

    @vcharng the input is just "Fuel".

    5.3 years ago
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    9,447 vcharng

    @CrashFighter05 Does the input match what I said? if not I have to correct it.

    5.3 years ago
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    9,389 DaKraken

    Ok so simply this update added a cannon and a Croatian of xml coding of inputs? That’s cool

    5.3 years ago
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    24.4k NoGoCars
    5.3 years ago