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Bugs with guns and exhaust?

8 Oxcart  5.1 years ago

I built a model of a large (170 ft long) plane with a tail gun. When the plane pulls up or down, the tail gun wobbles up and down. In an attempt to secure the gun, I've tried adding more connections to the gun in the xml file, but the gun still wobbles. Is there any way to prevent the gun from moving?

Here's a picture of the gun in its regular position:

Here's a picture of the gun deflected upward:

Also, when the x-scale, y-scale, and z-scale of an engine aren't equal to each other, the x-scale, y-scale, and z-scale of the engine exhaust don't seem to work properly. The x-, y-, and z-scales of the exhaust behave strangely when the corresponding xml values are changed, and it's impossible to get the x-scale and y-scale to be the same, so the exhaust is "flattened" because one of the scales is larger than the other. Is there a way to solve this issue?

Here's a picture of the "flattened" exhaust:

Are these issues fixable? Or are they bugs in the game?

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    Try taking the gun off and putting it back on.

    5.1 years ago
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    8 Oxcart

    @CruzerBlade nope, the gun is attached to a solid fuselage part. I've tried both cone and cylinder parts, and the gun still wobbles

    5.1 years ago
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    13.1k CruzerBlade

    Did you mount the gun on a rotator or something?

    5.1 years ago