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Open Letter to the devs from a first year Aerospace Engineering student

29.2k Viper28  5.2 years ago

As a member of the SP community for 5 years, I've seen both the growth of this game and myself. When I started playing I was about a freshman in high school, now I'm a freshman in college and it really doesn't seem like reality. I'll keep this short, but to any devs out there you really impacted my life for the better. I just finished up my first semester finals and am getting ready to enjoy my winter break; to major in Aerospace has really always been my dream education-wise and this game let me express who I was, am, and wanted to be.

P.S. It's been a while ;)

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    44.5k B1BLancer

    @Viper28 thank for the tips. I will take your word for it and follow what you said. Ill update u in 8 years or something Lol

    9 months ago
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    29.2k Viper28

    @GuardianAerospace I have a Bachelors in Aerospace, working on a Masters, and have worked in the aviation industry for 2 years now on avionics. My takeaway is that I use relatively little of my aerospace knowledge, and that is the case for most college graduates I know since there are very few purely aerospace roles. My current academic research is primarily mechanical and materials engineering, while my job is mostly electrical and systems engineering. Both involve a healthy dose of math and programming. My recommendation is that if you want to work in the Aerospace industry, get an aerospace minor with one of those other engineering majors and the added flexibility will serve you much better. If you are 100% dedicated to a pure aerodynamics role like an aerodynamicist that sits and does computational simulations or wind tunnel testing, do the opposite and get an aerospace degree with a minor in something else. There are very few pure “aerospace engineering” jobs but there are many engineering jobs in the aerospace industry if you’re open to them. The important things at your age are to get good grades, take every opportunity to learn what school doesn’t teach, and try to do or replicate projects even if you don’t think you know enough.

    9 months ago
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    44.5k B1BLancer

    I really do also want to major in aerospace but i have to wait quite some time as a 7th grader. How’d it go for you? (If you are still here)

    9 months ago
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    29.2k Viper28

    @Homemade I don't care, maybe mention me somewhere :)

    5.1 years ago
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    8,281 12ocketguy

    Your story is exactly like mine. Simpleplanes has impacted my life so much in a positive way. What school you going to?

    +1 5.2 years ago
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    Thank you for the kind words. That really means a lot to us to hear that our game has impacted you in a positive way. Enjoy your winter break!

    +5 5.2 years ago
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    13.9k ChrisPy

    Yee yee for aerospace engineering

    5.2 years ago
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    55.4k Beefy

    Hey man, it's nice to hear from you again. :)

    5.2 years ago
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    3,446 FatNinja

    Hey great job getting in! All the best with your studies, I'm doing my final year internship as an aircraft technician, you learn so much more in the hangar than in a classroom! Colleagues are also quirky and passionate about aviation. Remember that when times get dark and seems like the world is doomed, we engineers can speed tape the world back together! Cheers!

    +6 5.2 years ago