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31.0k Type2volkswagen  5.2 years ago

Don't know if this has been asked before but with the new coding I have a question,

Buoyancy as an attribute is modifiable in the build area.
can that attribute be tied to the VTOL or Trim slider to be variable in game?

I'm thinking about Submarines, but Buoyancy that offset weight If possible, would take blimp building to a whole new level

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    71.5k MintLynx

    To my knowledge Buoyancy cannot be linked to any control axis. That said, neutral bouyancy is possible. Set your bouyancy to where the craft doesn't sink or float, add some vertically arranged engines (whether they be vtol nozzles linked to a floating engine or rotator-and-wing engines) and you have ballast control! That's what I do with my submarines.

    5.2 years ago
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    24.4k NoGoCars

    That would be nice, so you could have a "sink" activation group for ships.

    +3 5.2 years ago