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SimplePlanes Recap.

19.4k QuitePossiblyMangled  5.2 years ago

Welcome to first ever SimplePlanes recap. I’m your host Mercy Aircraft Corporation.

Simpleplanes Recap is a biweekly recap of everything that goes on the SP website (I’ll probably do it whenever I feel like it though). From the best aircraft to mods, we got it all. Now that we got that out of the way, let's continue on with the video.

First on the list.


We got cannons bois

With this update, you android users can kiss your mods away. Who cares, I got Xml and designer suite!

From cannon to mods, here is a list of all the new features and bug fixes:

[Insert slowly scrolling through the site page while narrator is reading out the important stuff]

Just joking, here is a link you will have to click because I’m too lazy to write it all out.

link to dev post

TLTC: Now iOS builders are able to XML and we have a new way to kill the USS Beast.

Anyways, here are the most highest rated builds of the last two weeks:

1: Leonardo Engineering’s Focke Wulf-Triebflugel


Link: link to Leonardo’s build

2: Owestj’s RPI-11 Glasgow


link to Owestj’s build

3: Randomusername’s HCS-27


link to Random’s build

I would like to take a moment of this post to congratulate those who broke Platinum this month.

Congrats to MisterT and all those who made Platinum this month, this is an extraordinary accomplishment!

Speaking of accomplishments and breaking stuff, congrats to hfusiwjf29 and his P-51 for breaking 1,000 upvote. Is there even a chance that someone will take your place as the highest rated post on this website? The world may never know. Now back to your review.

Now that we got that out of the way, here is the highest rated mod over the last two weeks:

link to mod


Now for the biweekly praise to our SP god: Clong, who is the thing behind your missile hitting your aircraft, why things randomly explode, and all the other bullshittery that goes on. This is, SP random moments.

clip donated by Braynie0904

That is your biweekly SimplePlanes Recap! I’m your host, Mercy Aircraft Corporation, and I’ll see you next time.

Make sure to comment in the comments. I would like to know your guy’s opinion on this. Should I keep doing it? Should I add something or remove something? Make sure that your criticism is creative an well thought out.

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    Time to give credit to where it’s due. I actually got this idea from the canceled project of the same name of this post. While the original goal was to make a YouTube video, we just were unable to do it. I decided to use a bit of their findings and mine to make this. Thank you to those who helped out on the discord server. Also, I hope to do the recap on YouTube eventually, I just need to get the stuff to do so.

    Pinned 5.2 years ago
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    28.1k Armyguy1534

    Oh I'm doing the SPWR Videos

    5.2 years ago
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    21.4k pura

    @Mercyaircraftcorporation Thank you so mutxh!

    5.2 years ago
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    5.2 years ago
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    Remember to go and do your biweekly sacrifice to Clong so he doesn’t not ruin your SP experience.

    5.2 years ago
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    13.0k Graves04

    Hmmmmm, that truck doing a flip looks pretty cool, I wonder who made it?

    +1 5.2 years ago
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    5.2 years ago