Would it not be awesome if while in flight you could shake it up alitte... Imagine being able to drag parts off your plane while in mid flight! Kind of how when your building and accidentally rip a wing off (oops). That would be so cool. Mixing that with the game physics! Rip your tail off at 1200 mph and watch that bird fall lol... I just think it would make flight way more interesting!
@Cjredwards oh
Ya they should do that
Exactly thanks man!✊🏾 @Cyberkirby
I suggested this on the Uservoice site a while ago, actually! Glad to know I'm not the only one craving some delicious destruction...
This would be awsome imagine flying a huge bomber or passenger plane and tearing it in two lol I think if this were possible Maby press pause and select pice you want to rip off and watch as your plane is destroyed
In the Windows version of this game, simply press F10 on your keyboard and watch the magic happen.
Lol no? I'm saying it would be cool to be able to manually destroy you plane in midair @Meawk
@Cjredwards so what your saying is pretty much going back to before the update where pitching high or over-rolling at over 400 mph would rip your winds off
I lost a tail stabilizer, and the plane flew almost flawlessly. I landed afterwards.
Heheh and I will be the only person capable of flying my primitive creations ;) imagine wing warping in turbulence, that must be hell lol @Cjredwards
I posted structural failures and engine failures in the Reddit. Haha, in my idea for the peices you could select a percentage that would give the part a chance of failure, for instance tail elevator 25% chance and it could go out at any time.
I also recommend turbulence in the forums also, I love that idea, a huge mix of these would make for an awesome new module👍🏾@XVIindustries
Ok well you have a point, it would be awesome, but I would rather have a structural failure setting than a manual destruction setting, cause structural failures are the second main cause of old aircraft crashes (the first is high wind) so it would be cool to be flying and not be able to do a loop for fear that the wings would crumple I'd also like to see a maintinance system where if you crashed you would have to replace damaged parts of your plane (they would show up as red or something indicating they are damaged) it would be cool, and would get people to try and not crash and say if it was awing or an engine the damaged part of players wouldn't create as much power or lift, and if you kept using it it would be completely useless or cause a structural failure @Cjredwards
It would probably be a setting that could be enable and disabled. Very true though!@XVIindustries
No.. Otherwise old planes that aren't aerodynamically stable whatsoever 'Chogh Chogh Xiphias Monoplane Chogh Chogh' they would just fall apart.. @KingDeadshot
Well... No.... Cause if I were flying say... My Roe 1 and I tapped the bracket that is used to warp the wing, the thing would fall off and the end of my wing wil flop around and throw me into a spin... Or say I was flying a Dumont demosile and tapped the one of the rear struts the engine and the tail would fold in and the whole thing would colapse...
True depends on how good the plane was built👍🏾 @KingDeadshot
That would be fun