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Lympne Aircraft Trials Results :)

43.9k PlanesOfOld  9.3 years ago

Thank you all for participating and spending so long on your designs :) sorry it's been a bit after the31st, but there were so many entries I had to judge and I'm glad I judged them all! Because they are all Very cool designs!
I only entered crafts that were obi ding the rules I set and were for the challenge so if you don't see yours in the lists you know why, but don't worry I'll probably make the 2 seater challenge anyway :)
I highly recommend you check out ALL the planes that were entered as they are very very fun to fly and some are sure a challenge!
All the entries were great and provided me with hours worth of entertainment lol So thank you, :)

1-Squelette Noir with a range of 1054.5 miles
2-Sky Sailor with a range of 934.56 miles
3-Komarec with a range of 869.61 miles
4-(not in the contest) Xiphias Kestrel with a range of 802.56 miles
5-CedCo Robin with a range of 724 miles
6- Areo Engineering E1 with arrange of 676.4 miles
7-Falcon with a range of 626.56 miles
8-FoxBlood with a range of 623.04 miles
9-Mosquito with a range of 574.6 miles
10-AirWolfE1.A with a range of 570.24 miles
11-Ghensebleuchen with a range of 518.3 miles
12-Old Flyer with a range of 503.39 miles
13-Kistrovante with a range of 488.52 miles
14-D-One with a range of 446.04 miles
15- Peregrine Pt-B DNF (it didn't want to fly)

1- Peregrine Pt-B I loved the design, it looked great overall :)
2-Cedco Robin it looked great and like a period design
3-D-One I loved the engine and it was a simple but very nice design

A few other designs that I grew rather fond of
Squelette Noir, a great looking innovative design with hardly any fuselage at all
Falcon, a very nice little plane
Kistrovante a very stable easy to fly plane :)

Endurance- I only gave you 12 gallons per engine, let's see how long it lasted :)
1-CedcoRobin 7 mins 24 seconds
2-AreoEngineering E1 7 mins 12 seconds
3-Ghensebleuchen 7 mins 10 seconds
4-Old Flyer 7 mins 9 seconds
Joint 5th with 7 mins 8 seconds
FoxBlood,Sky Sailor and Kistrovante
6-Kormarec with 7 mins 7 seconds
Joint 7th with 7 mins 4 seconds
AirWolf E1A and the non participant example, Xiphias Kestrel
8-Squelette Noir with 7 mins 3 seconds
9-Mosquito with 3 mins 38 seconds
10-Peregrine Ptb DNF

I thank you all for participating in this challenge,
Sorry if I did not enter your craft, if I didn't it may have violated the very strict rules or I just missed it (sry if I did there were 30 odd entries and a lot weren't even in the challenge)

:) for your prizes PM me on Reddit :)

Thank you for entering My challenge :)

That's all for now :)

Hope you


PS: if you need to do any fangirling please do it in this comments section not all over my planes :)

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    6,955 Wahoo12

    Ok thanks! Yeah, I don't really do well with low power compromises.... Lol... Right now I'm working on a variant of my Peregrine Eagle that goes 4,000 mph at the touch of a button. @XVIindustries

    9.3 years ago
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    And the ptb did fly.... It just happened that it did not want to fly for very long before it face planted into the ground.... it was not a very good low speed design, if it was given a bigger engine it would be fine, it just stalls all the time otherwise @Wahoo12

    9.3 years ago
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    Currently being worked on, I didn't really do the prizes lol I was too busy judging so didn't have them ready... @Wahoo12

    9.3 years ago
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    6,955 Wahoo12

    Hmmm... Thats strange that the Pt. B would not fly... It worked fine for me. Oh well, it was not very long-range anyways. Also, where are my paints? :)

    9.3 years ago
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    Mod DeezDucks

    Where can I find these?

    9.3 years ago
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    My little Falcon was no challenge for other great planes :D

    9.3 years ago
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    @Cedy117 @AeroEngineering they were good designs :)

    9.3 years ago
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    78.0k Cedy117

    Cool the robin did better than I thought I would

    9.3 years ago
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    I do did better than I thought I would. Yay. Especially for fuel efficiency

    9.3 years ago
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    34.1k AgDynamics

    Thanks @XVIindustries for hosting this contest! It was a fun challenge. :)

    9.3 years ago
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    9.3 years ago