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SP 1.9 Update Review

28.7k TWDDerSharkmarine  5.2 years ago

Hello, this is Universegaming

As you all know it Simpleplanes has released a Beta for SP 1.9 Beta, i think its a good thing to review some of the stuff that was added into the game

  1. First we have the cannon part, for me it looks good and fires perfectly too, one main complaint from me is that we can't make the cannon to all fires at the same time, At first glance it only says delay which means like reload time but apparently that delay is also applied to all cannon that in your creation, so say if you have a battleship, i thought i can fire all cannon simultaneously and then wait all the cannon to reload and fires the next salvo, but it doesn't, apparently they fires one by one within that delay time, if you have two cannon you need to wait for the delay and then fires the second cannon and vice versa, that is my only complaint for the cannon parts

Second we have the mods being implemented into the game, some or many of the useful mod such as Overload, FineTuner, Orthographic Designer, Designer Suite and Advanced Targeting is in game right now, now IOS can feel the power of mods, although it comes with unfortunate outcome of Mod supports removed for android in 1.9, Jundroo claim with the mod support removed it can increase the framerate although the claim is pretty much a bust since my SP still runs like it did on 1.7 and 1.8, i can only saw some few noticable change in framerate, such as my 340+ parts super silhouette racecar just run barely smoother than it did on 1.7 (yes i still use 1.7 at the time of its building and testing, don't ask why i still use 1.7 at that time)

Overall the update is very good with the addition of the new Cannon parts, my only complaint is just the cannon can't fire all simultaneously, This is Universegaming goodbye

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    You can set them all to fire simultaneously by making sure that the first gun to fire has the reload time you want, and the rest to have a 0 second interval.

    Pinned 5.2 years ago
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    3,791 stig27

    @exosuit yep, the mods depend on unity's Mono, which is 32 bit, but play store now demands a 64 bit version.

    5.2 years ago
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    18.2k exosuit

    if you actually read the post Andrew made, the reason android stopped supporting mod is because Google now requires 64 bit support

    +1 5.2 years ago
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    Sounds cool.

    5.2 years ago
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    @AircraftoftheRedStar Ahh, ok then, ill try that later with my new destroyer, however im planning to make a working version of the Preußen Class Battleship, slightly illegal because the gun size has broke the washington and london naval treaty with maximum allowed caliber is 406mm/16inch and this battleship have 450mm main gun, but im still planning on making a battleship with 20inch main gun to make a surprise motherf*er to RLRP player

    +1 5.2 years ago
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    @PositivePlanes I know, I've noticed white smoke coming out of my cars, which of them were mostly oversteer due to my nature of liking a more Oversteery car than an understeery car, usually cars today were made more understeery because its easier to correct

    5.2 years ago