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We should have sound

6,698 Natedoge  5.2 years ago

How cool does it sound if we could have a part, like an alarm or something, that makes sound. The pitch could be customizable in one or two different octaves. We could obviously XML mod them to have even higher or lower pitches. They could have a set of different sounds, ranging from just a normal school fire alarm, to either tornado or nuclear alarms. They could include different types of alarming, like they could be set to pulsing, or just a straight out note held or a longtime. Or, they could have the option to be set different timed pulses, like the note is held for 1-10 seconds, again, the ability to xml mod.

This would be cool cause it would allow the ability to create a more realistic environment. We could create scenarios like air raids. Or we could even compose or make song paradies, or make our own.

This would allow us to, if someone was extremely talented, make foxes or stuff.

Seeing this in SP would be very interesting and it would be a great new feature.


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    6,698 Natedoge

    oh okay good luck I guess. @DPSAircraft

    +1 5.2 years ago
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    6,698 Natedoge

    Wait weren’t you platinum or gold or something? Now your silver? @DPSAircraft

    5.2 years ago
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    30.1k TriStar

    Yeah a school fire alarm

    5.2 years ago
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    6,698 Natedoge

    Hey guys I’m back with some asmr screaching @BuiltBionixInd10

    5.2 years ago
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    6,698 Natedoge

    Ya exactly. That’s kinda where I got the inspiration @ACEPILOT109

    5.2 years ago
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    this is me when I screaming

    5.2 years ago
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    like the light but instead of light it makes sound...
    im all in for that.
    people will make songs like note blocks in Minecraft lol.

    5.2 years ago