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SimplePlanes Recap [12/28/19]

19.4k QuitePossiblyMangled  5.2 years ago

Welcome to another SimplePlanes Recap. I’m your host, Mercy Aircraft Corporation. Now here is your run down of everything that happened on the sp website.... these last two weeks.

First on the list:


Why plant them when you can modify them to do all sorts of fancy stuff.

With two weeks, the overload community has wasted no time translating the developer language know as funky trees for us. Here are a few links to help you at least start your xml career.

The basics

And more stuff

Now for the top three highest rated builds of the week!

1: SnoWFLakE0s Functional bombsight.



2: Randomusername and Edensk’s foodbowl.exe has stopped working

Link to Edensk’s build

Link to Randomusername’s build


3: Strikefighter04’s Happy Birthday SimplePlanes 2019!



We are sorry to interrupt your biweekly recap with this important message. I would like to congratulate SimplePlanes for its fifth year! Thank you to the dev’s who created and improved this amazing game. Also, thank you to the community. Without you all, the game would not be what it is today. Thank you. Now back to the recap.

Highest rated mod of the week:

AstleyIndustries’s Mikashima Base


Now for the biweekly random sp moment:

Ha! Repost

On that note, that is your biweekly SimplePlanes Recap! I’m your host, Mercy Aircraft Corporation, and I’ll see you next time.

PS. Here is a meme for your troubles