activate 1 and 2 and throttle both engines.
Once in the air disactivate 2 so you only are controlling the front jets and throttle them down to zero. then disactivate everything and activate 2 while on full throttle.
Now you use yaw to fly along with throttle.
Its basically a submarine with inverted controls so allow it to "dive" up because of pistons and very floaty blocks scaled down. and it has all airplane controls and flaps with VTOL and thrust vectoring like the real thing!
"T" to be tagged or upvote
its not done yet, still prototype. advice wanted!
Np it is fun to fly around @ACEPILOT109
Thanks @Nerfenthusiast
Here it is @ACEPILOT109
@Nerfenthusiast who?
Someone made one using the helicopter rotors for the ground effect
Advice for colors and stuff but I already posted it. Also, ask a mod they can explain pictures better @Topgun757
Also, how do you add pictures to a forum post?
What kind of advice do you want?@ACEPILOT109
@JamesBleriot I wish i could do that on this plane due to it already being complicated and the way i made the plane is just weird. i should try making a cockpit airplane soon
A-90 Orlyonok looks pretty cool
T. I also have an ekranoplan type thing on my profile.
@ACEPILOT109 There is also an ekranoplan called the A-90 Orlyonok.
I definitely want a semi-full to full cockpit, depending on the part count. Don’t wanna break your computer. @ACEPILOT109
@AircraftoftheRedStar (totally did not find that as the inspiration, I forgot the name anyways)
Well, now you know!
Check out Mustard on YouTube. His latest video is about it.
@AircraftoftheRedStar that's what it is? I only knew KM and sea monster
Official designation
Alekseyev KM
@Topgun757 cool, and thanks. I've been here a while and have a lot of experience with aircraft. best of luck to you
I’m also working on one though yours is better. I made an announcement a while ago.