I have been playing this game for some time on my Android device.
But as the title says the game uses just a huge amount of power. Like every 20 seconds my device loses 1% of power.
Who has the same problem? And is there a solution?
I have been playing this game for some time on my Android device.
But as the title says the game uses just a huge amount of power. Like every 20 seconds my device loses 1% of power.
Who has the same problem? And is there a solution?
Literally change your battery
@Gvb2003 Playing games while charging will make your battery life shorter and it will make your battery behave normally
@Gvb2003 SP isn't too big, i mean the battery is old and very used
@Jokowi Why? Only way to play simpleplanes
@BlackBoA My phone is actually too old to play big games like simpleplanes?
Yeah whether I unplug my PC from the wall, there is a ding noise (chung) and my screen goes dark.
The 1.8 update had a performance enhancement @Zanedavid
@Gvb2003 hmm, 3-4 years old means pretty much use
@BlackBoA Im the 2th to own this device. I have a Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge. If I'm sure this device should be around 3 to 4 years old. Also I have everything in graphics on Low.
My old phone had this issue, then again, it needs a new battery
Dont use your phone while charging
How old is your phone?
maybe you just have an old battery
Turn brightness down all the way, and activate Battery Saver, if you have it
plug it in and play
I have the same problem
Not for me @Zanedavid
I’m on an iPhone 6s+ still, maybe the devs reworked physics stuff each update because physics really lag you out in the game if there set to high @Sm10684
My iPhone 8 can run 1000+ part builds @Zanedavid
You know it’s true @Zanedavid
Is it just me or am I able to load higher and higher part count builds on my phone? Like I could only load a 800 part count when I first got the app, and I couldn’t even play cause it was so laggy, now I’m running 1,000+ builds smoothly
If you use your device while it’s changing it puts strain on the battery’s in-feed because your trying to charge while your draining it. It’s like 3 steps forward 1step back. Which over time I believe can wreck your overall battery life @ViperSnipe77
I know this isn’t the answer your looking for but Ide say take a break for a while, the more you open an app the more battery it uses, so your power usage is most likely the result of long periods on simpleplanes, same goes for me.
There are some simple tips, most are pretty obvious:
•Turn you brightness down
•don’t have any backround apps running
•volume turn your volume off even in game, it still plays sound even if you can’t hear it.
•don’t load builds with high part counts or a build that requires a lot of physics.
•keep your quality set to low.
•turn off AI
•set weather to clear
I don’t have this problem but maybe you can:
•Keep your device on a charger
•turn down your graphics settings
•don’t run any big apps while playing SP
•and if possible, turn on the battery save setting
•give your device breaks during playing sessions (we don’t want an overheating android now do we)
Though I’m on iOS, I hope this can help
REEEEE @Sm10684 @Mattangi2