I can't believe this! I just made my account a few hours ago and I am already bronze! Thank you so much to everyone that upvotes, spotlighted or commented! I love all of you <3
I hope I can make some cool builds in the future!
I can't believe this! I just made my account a few hours ago and I am already bronze! Thank you so much to everyone that upvotes, spotlighted or commented! I love all of you <3
I hope I can make some cool builds in the future!
@Zanedavid Thank you so much, this really gives me motivation!
Btw your milestones are about to be checked lol
Lol you’ll be at silver in seconds just you wait, I really am glad there’s more tank builders. Keep up the good builds!
@IStoleYourMeme Wow are you platinum!?!? That's so cool that you would comment on my build!
@teodor99 I believe you can do it with just a few more builds! You only need 200 points!
@teodor99 it is. silver is 1000-4999, gold 5000-24999. platinum-25000
i think that luck is rather low but meh...
@teodor99 Wow, that means that you are almost at gold! Good luck <3
no worries. i think 1500 is silver while 5000 is gold
And my picture comes from (New game)
@Lorileni Haha, she is from Girlz und Panzer!
I like the anime profile picture. Because anime is a good thing, haha.