This is tutorial for novices. Here we will atalk about COM COL COT. Center of Mass is a big red ball. Center of lift - marked as a blue ball. Center of thrust - yellow ball. Menu > Show COM/COL/COT. These "balls" are very important. Center of lift is affected by place of your wings. It must be near to the COM, or your plane will not fly straight. If they are at the same spot, try moving the wings back. COM is affected by heaviest place of your plane. COT is approximation of multiplied engines which have same configurations, but it is unnacurate when you use both jets and props. Also, it is very important when building VTOL. Your COM must be at same spot with the COT if you build VTOL. That's all I can tell you about COM/COL/COT. Good luck!
P.S. Sorry if my English bad :(
Thanks a lot dude, this is gonna help me build better.
move the center of gravity a little forward, closer to the chair
what about if it backflips?
Thanks a lot!!
You may find the Link disappointing.
@NovaTopaz thanks for feedback!
Clap clap clap
Good job, and no major spelling errors. But just a point to make with the CoM. The center of mass is NOT the heaviest part of the plane. It is actually the point where, if you put it on a fulcrum(or point, really), the plane is perfectly balanced and will not tip over unless force is applied. Which is why CoT needs to be really lined up with the CoM, because the thrust from VTOL is like that fulcrum, but it's a force upwards rather than an object. The distance between the horizontal stabilizers(or whatever control surface you have) and the CoM dictates maximum turning rate, more or less.
@JovianPat Thanks for advice
@AeroEngineering Thanks
Your English is good.
The CoL can also be placed very far from the CoM, which increases stability but decreases agility.