Wow this is unbelievable! I just started uploading my builds a few days ago, and I am already silver? Silver is the middle colours, 2 are lower and 2 are higher, so I am already an average player!??!
I really don't think that I earned this, other silver players make way better builds than me!
A special thanks goes out to all the people that upvoted, commented and spotlighted. All of you have been very nice and helpful to me. I love you all! <3
i think yer gonna hit gold before i ever get there. @DuceAnchovy
You build an M1 Abrams.! :)
Oh ok Says you! Ide say Just wait until gold @FranzPeterSiegfried
@Tums Thank you <3
@Zanedavid Thank you, that's really nice of you to say! <3
Well no surprise. Your work is great.
Plus girls und panzer is amazing
In fairness there’s been recent uprising in new players/ low level players posting crazy good builds and climbing the ranks.
It’s not a bad thing it just can frustrate those who spend a long time getting to where they are,
I for one am rooting for you. I love tanks so that’s one reason why, but another few reasons I hope you grow quicker are because your build quality will increase, and you also have respect. And I admire that! Keep up the good work!
When they create an account and get silver in 3 days:
“the prophecy has begun, the beginning of a legend”
@DuceAnchovy Np!
@ChiyomiAnzai Hey, it wasn't like I knew you when I made this account ;)
@USSR Thank you!
@ChiyomiAnzai your gravatar there is familiar
@DuceAnchovy no lol, i did not meant that you are bad
I'm just hoping that you get big improvements on your already amazing low part building technique :D
@DuceAnchovy Np! companion
@Evenstsrike333 Thanks :)
@Noname918181 Wow, thank you ;)
I got it in 1 month
I say your really fast me boi/girl. I will be expecting you to get to gold soon.....
@DuceAnchovy I got it in 5 months and my first few posts got no upvotes
@Armyguy1534 Haha, that will take me at least 6 months xD
just wait until gold