I always play SP online on steam.
You could say “wow you play SP way too much”, or you could say “is that it?”
From what I’ve seen (with friends on steam), that isn’t really that much for people at my level.
I do have like 600 hours on mobile iOS so yeah lol.
Quite a lot of time, kinda wasted playing games instead of earning money or learning how to actually 3D model with a proper piece of 3D modelling software.
100% self taught on SP.
I have passed 2000 hours on steam on SimplePlanes
235k jamesPLANESii
5.1 years ago
i just reached 1000+500 hours sooo
i had time to play a little looks like its a good game
241 hours >:(
@jamesPLANESii Probably because you play on computer more, im a sole android player and not scared to turn off cursor mode
By mean fast i mean we're talking 30 second and below
@CruzerBlade Because you play everyday? Im always opening my simpleplanes just for fun and making cars to beat PointlessWhyShouldI and Sm10684 at the fastest record time on gold prix, heck PointlessWhyShouldI already got faster lap time than the Wingy do
Woah my vision is still 20/20 😎 @exosuit @TrislandianAlliance
@CruzerBlade lol weakling
I only got 73 hours
How do you obtain such power?
I only have 163 hours on SP.... But, I've only been playing for roughly 7 months on PC.
lol, 2000? 4300.
Somehow correlated with my case, but the difference i literally spent 15gb of data just for youtube in under 1 week and im also nearsighted with left 2.5 and right 1.1
instead I played SP for way too much on my phone lol
played so long that my eyes are nearsighted now
not epic but I managed to improve so they cancel eachother I guess