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Funky trees de-activation groups?

28.4k goboygo1  5.1 years ago

Is there a way I can make a rotator not move when a group is active and vice versa? I tried doing Roll*Activate1-Activate1-Activate1 but I'm not too clear on how funky trees actually works.

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    28.4k goboygo1

    Still doesn't work?
    The one with abs acts like just normal roll, and the one with clamp acts like roll but with a normal activation group. I will just unload the wing so you can work with it directly.

    5.1 years ago
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    28.4k goboygo1

    "when I activate Activate1, ROLL gets locked, it no longer works."
    Yes this ^ ^ is what I want it to do, I tried Roll * Activate1 and now it its just reversed when 1 is active. Sorry for all this. X(

    5.1 years ago
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    28.4k goboygo1

    @SnoWFLakE0s @DPSAircraft
    Thanks for the help!
    (Edit: doesn't work right, it's a custom control panel so it has to go both ways.)
    (Edit 2: I tried changing clamp to -1,1 but now it won't move at all.)

    5.1 years ago
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    67.3k SnoWFLakE0s

    I forgot, it'd work with abs(Activate1).

    5.1 years ago
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    67.3k SnoWFLakE0s

    Let's say your input is VTOL, and the AG 1. Then:

    VTOL * abs(Activate1)

    If you don't want the rotator to reset every time you "deactivate" it, then set zeroOnDeactivate = false. This will lock it in place whenever it's "deactivated".

    5.1 years ago
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    28.4k goboygo1

    @DPSAircraft I meant to de-activate a rotator when a activation group is on.

    5.1 years ago