Over the past few days I've been seeing a lot of new people doing stuff like post their plane 3 times with only slight changes or no changes at all, or taking someone else's things or a combo of both. Why can't they just stop spamming the feed? Is it to get more points of something?
You may have seen my FireFly 4000 well someone made a challenge with it, to make a trailer for ya here me whoever that was? Any way I was.... About to post one with a trailer but I don't want to look like I was in his competition.
Any way lesson is ask people if u wanna repost there plane/boat/helicopter/car
Then just makes it private @merasmusthewizard
@merasmusthewizard mono you've done nothing wrong! I frequently do that myself to check part count and stuff. I'm talking about people who upload 3 at once just to get extra points.
Guilty as charged. When I upload a new plane, I check the measurements (length, wingspan) because there's no way to do it in-game. If it's not close to the real thing, I take it down and adjust it.
@DeezDucks I agree totally with you. If I do remake a plane, I make sure its changes are important, except my one mistake plane.
@NewAir And they get all the upvotes and downloads
@Hazo Some guy ripped off my Precious Metal and painted everything green calling it "Sprunk Plane gta"
@ElGatoVolador Nono I'm saying clearing it's deliberate.
@NewAir. I see a lot of people downloading planes and maybe painting them rainbow (ugly) and uploading them again. Why?????
@DeezDucks Theres a glitch on IOS when sometimes it looks like your plane was not posted but it was so they go past it again. I has happened to my but I deleted the copy.
110% agree with you DeezDucks.
@Brields95 nono what your doing is completely fine. I'm addressing the people who post 3 exact same copies of the plane at once.
I hate to say it but guilty as charged. I'm working on getting my planes complete before I post them, but I always want to go back and redo a plane, because I'm always learning new techniques.
Yep been seeing this alot
I jave to agree with you dude. I found like 3-4 uploads by the same user.