I was looking in the suggestion area, and one thing got 3,000 votes and it was local multiplayer, and mine, which was more bomb designs and customizable bombs, which got 120 votes. are any of these coming into the game, and if not, what will in update 2.0?
Is there going to be a new update?? it’s been like 7 to 8 months with out one I know you got simple rockets2 to get on with but do think it time to think that simple planes need a big update to finish it off or my be a announcement that you working on a simple plans 2 just like simple rockets 2 I’m just throwing it out there because it’s been awhile since the last update it would be good if you can let us all know what is going on and not be left in the dark thanks all the best 🙂
@SuperVirus38 yes we do
I think everyone can agree... 3D AIRFOIL!!!!
Bro i would enjoy multiplayer so we could show ofd vehicle
It is only on pc and Mac @Bthom9090
Ok you got me@Bman01
@jamesPLANESii better be completely custom fuselages, with editable fullness
It is impossible to download mods on iOS because it is against the Apple policy to do so. Although I don’t know why you can download them for Minecraft.
Maybe screenshot mod for Android and ios?
The desert island and what I think is called skull island are onler available for pc and Mac. @Bthom9090
I am on android and i have heard that there is no islands but i have found Snowstone and the obstacle island can someone please tell me how to get to the desert island i have watched youtube videos and still cant find it HELP
The tank cannon part is in simple PLANES. Jundroo should go all out with tank things we have a cannon, now we need tracks @Notaperson
Fix the plane without restarting.
I get annoyed when I have to restart each time the plane crashes and sometimes game kick me.
Then why are there car, tank, watercraft etc,. Tags?@Notaperson
Yup. I want this.
I think that all terrain should be destroyable. It would be fun to tunnel under a convoy and blast it into the sky.
Cough * cough* tank cannon
@Subnerdica, you can change drop rate by adding the attribute: firingDelay then the number of seconds you want for the delay. I would like to see bomb fuses tho
Simple PLANES @shipster
Semi and quarter hollow fuselages
I beg you devs
I want the Tracks mod to be implemented...that would cure my SP Sadness xD
Yeha multiplayer with a part count(per craft) limit that you can set from 50 to unlimited
Maybe bomb fuse delay and drop rate
As cool as it is, multiplayer is most likely never going to happen. Customizable bombs would be nice though!