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Background of the 3 Nations in the upcoming Krakabolan Wargames

4,971 ThePlaninatior  5.2 years ago

The following 3 nations will soon be simulated in a 3-way War where each is trying to conquer the other's island. The reason as to why I'm doing this can be found here:

Nation 1: Krakabloa Archipeligo
Era of Technology: 1960s
History: Won the previous war and has thus staggered in Technological development, along with having low economic power. Fortunately, that's offset by its large amounts of natural resources and easy to defend coasts which is also bolstered by its large, if somewhat outdated, navy.

Nation 2: Wright Island
Era of Technology: 1970s
History: A mostly defensive nation that rarely strikes out in offensive movements. Houses the most advanced navy and advanced technology, but lacks the economic power to field large amounts of anything.

Nation 3: SnowStone Island
Era of Technology: 1950s
History: Often the first to attack, but first to loose in most conflicts due to its poor economy and outdated military. Lacks a navy but has a large number of Shore Defenses and Anti-Aircraft sites.

The Beginning of the War
The war begins with a sneak attack from the Avalance Air Force against the shipyards of Wright Island via long-range high altitude bombers. Wright Island, being confused about who exactly was attacking them, concludes that the only possible culprit was Krakabloa since they are the closest and hold a navy.

After a retaliatory strike against the Krakabloa Navy, (and another sneak attack against Bandit Airport by the Avalance Air Force), the war is on.