MSN-06S Sinanju
Sorry i have to Delete some Detail because i have to make it less than 800 partBefore
So Im shooting a bomber plane from 1.7 miles and i hit it
im lucky because the bomber plane is not fully destroyed so i can see it.(i dont know how the plane still manage to fly for 20 Second)
So this Sinanju is fying in 2 mode (Vertical Flight and Flying like a plane??? Sorry Idk how to say it)
[Vertical Flight]
Activate G1 to fly like this
This Sinanju is very durable,because it can survive from plane impact
And Only take a little damage
Here is the cockpit view
Vulcan Gun Test
@Boobkins ya kak aku gk masalah kalau ada yang make buatanku asalkan ada creditnya
@Starlight padahal aku udah beri credits loh
Sepertinya lupa di tags deh
@Starlight soal itu si eternal darkness kali yang report katanya build your own plane gitu sih yang aku dengar
@Boobkins kok hilang ya kak? Padahal gk aku report dan juga padahal aku gk ada masalah soal copyright
Sesuai permintaan sinanju Weiss
Maaf soal warna yang dipilih
@Starlight oh dan dada nya pakai warna apa? Ada dua pilihan:
@Starlight ok
@Boobkins boleh pake sinanju weiss kak soalnya mirip
@Starlight bisa gak saya ngecat ulang?
@Boobkins maaf kak ditunda soalnya bosen trus aku loncat ke UC 1 year war project sama Project EVA
Dimana sinanju stein?
Where is Sinanju Stein?
@Starlight thanks
@spectre118 oh wait i will check it and dont worry im planning to remake the jegan
@Starlight speaking of the jegsn
The new update glitched out the beam sabre and rifle linking them
@Homemade kurang tau berapa meter tapi ukurannya sama dengan Unicorn
@Homemade santai kak akan ku upload besok soalnya ada yang perlu diperbaiki
@Notaleopard well its more like my Jegan but its more smaller and less part and its in chest while the jegan is placed in head
How did you manage to create a cockpit?
@Zaku2212 for example im just finishing the cockpit 2 hour ago and there is still more thing i have to fix
@Zaku2212 dont worry i will upload it tommorow because there is a lot of thing i have to test and fix
Im ready for this Please complete it soon i really want to just fly around in my favorite mobile suit
Very cool! T.
@BaconRoll thanks
This is amazing
@Notaleopard oh ok