Does anybody know how to make a beacon turn on once the plane passes below a specific speed? I have tried all kinds of stuff but the light either stays on or just never turns off. I’m guessing that I have to use funky trees but I’m not sure.
Does anybody know how to make a beacon turn on once the plane passes below a specific speed? I have tried all kinds of stuff but the light either stays on or just never turns off. I’m guessing that I have to use funky trees but I’m not sure.
@NoGoCars can you help me I'm building a hypersonic heat shield effect on my project so I need the lights to turn on slowly when the speed in increasing can you help me plz
Yeah, the 'up' arrow on a comment is to upvote it
And if you need any more help, I could help you :3
I would paste the needed code, but @SnoWFLakE0s already did that for me. That should work for your purposes.
Oh ok. Also, is the up arrow below the reply button to upvote a comment? I’m not sure if I have been doing the right thing.
@Random40 oh and I just realized that whole last comment is a mess...
Thanks, but I already got everything set up on the plane. Also, it has to have specific altitude requirements too. Maybe next time I will use your tip.
Maybe try this:
so the light turns on below 300 kph.@SnoWFLakE0s
Ok, thanks! I changed the altitude a bit and changed it to AltitudeAgl instead (I forgot about altitude agl when I made the other comment), but everything works just fine now!
Try this:
clamp01(ceil(V - IAS))*clamp01(ceil(Altitude - 3))
This should allow for your specified requirements.
Also, do you know how to make it so that the light can only turn on above a specific altitude? I want to do a stall indicator, but I don’t want it to turn on on the ground, so I want to set it to above 10 feet (it’s a seaplane so if it’s above that it is probably flying),
Thanks! I will make sure to give you credit for this when I post my plane (hopefully in a few months)!
=clamp01(ceil(V - IAS))
to any speed limit you want in meters per second.@WNP78
I thought you could help since you made the tutorials that I tried to use...