@Daffacomrade Url. Just copy and past the web link. I’ll give you an example: ![] (https://pimaair.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/Dassault-Mystere-IV.jpg)
I put a space between the ![] and () so that it would show in the comments but remove it and post it in the description and it will work
@Daffacomrade I think on some websites you actually have to remove the S from https and then it works. I haven’t run into that situation so far but that might be the case sometimes
@Mustang51 i tried like this ![] ([URL=https://imageshack.com/i/pmFWCsP8j][IMG]https://imagizer.imageshack.com/v2/150x100q90/922/FWCsP8.jpg[/IMG][/URL]) didn't work, but anyway thanks
So to do this you need to choose a photo that’s available publicly on the internet (something uploaded to imgur or sent to a discord server chat). Then you need to type the following: ![](link to photo) . There should be no spaces between. I hope this helps!
@Daffacomrade Url. Just copy and past the web link. I’ll give you an example: ![] (https://pimaair.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/Dassault-Mystere-IV.jpg)
I put a space between the ![] and () so that it would show in the comments but remove it and post it in the description and it will work
@Mustang51 agree
@Daffacomrade yeah it feels complicated but using discord is definitely the easiest way to do it
@Mustang51 nah,im not using website, as you recommend i use discord instead, but pretty confusing
@Daffacomrade I think on some websites you actually have to remove the S from https and then it works. I haven’t run into that situation so far but that might be the case sometimes
@Mustang51 i tried like this ![] ([URL=https://imageshack.com/i/pmFWCsP8j][IMG]https://imagizer.imageshack.com/v2/150x100q90/922/FWCsP8.jpg[/IMG][/URL]) didn't work, but anyway thanks
@Mustang51 but pictures above using https:// and when i use Url it didn't work
@Daffacomrade great! I think gifs work too but I never tried
@Mustang51 Thanks, work very well, so i can upload GIF too right?
@Mustang51 like Url or Https// ?
So to do this you need to choose a photo that’s available publicly on the internet (something uploaded to imgur or sent to a discord server chat). Then you need to type the following: ![](link to photo) . There should be no spaces between. I hope this helps!
@Mustang51 can you help me dude?