Hello SimplePlanes community
So if any of you have used the DesignerSuite mod, you would know you can put images, blueprints in this case, into the designer and use blueprint images to help with replication or scaling.
The thing is, you can change the size of the images with the image scale. I was wondering what scale the images, especially blueprints, should be as i'm making something and I personally think that it's a little too large for what it's supposed to do, namely the cockpit.
If someone does know the actual scale these images should be set to, that would be great
no, what I'm talking about is in the DesignerSuite options, you can scale an image. What I mean is that would: 1 be 1 meter, 2 be 2 meters, etc...
But is one unit, e.g: '1' a single meter?
oh ok
And how big is '1:1' scale?
They should be 1:1 scale.