Dear Simpleplanes community,
Until relatively recently, the only authority on the site was the developers. Back then, people would generally whine to Mr. Garrison and Mr. Tarpley about somebody "messing" with them. I've noticed that since the moderators were instated, there seems to have been a decrease in instances where users got out of hand. However, many people seem to find fault in some of the mods, who I feel are doing their jobs well. I'm not saying that there isn't supposed to be any sort of conflict, but people need to try and not be offended so easily. I guess what I'm trying to say is that we should all try and be respectful to the Mods. They were chosen for a reason...
Cool to know, m8. I always love learning about human nature. @BardofBricks
Oh... @RocketLL
@CrazyAirLines I am in the chat. We also don't only talk about sp. we talk about failed relationships and potential ones(well that's only me lol)
Where did I swear? @RocketLL
Heads up:swearing while talking with a mod is not a good idea. @XVIindustries
@XVIindustries I would definitely appreciate it if you did try. It would help you out, me out, and in turn everyone else out.
I suppose your correct, ahh well, always worth a try... lol @TheLatentImage
@XVIindustries don't let yourself resort to insults. Be the better man, take the higher road and let those responsible for handling those situations take care of them. You adding to the fray doesn't help anything. Especially when you come to us for help. You wouldn't need to if you stopped it with you.
basicly I insult them a few times (I have lots of good insults from being bullied at school) and then Report ready for netting, by the rod weilders, @TheLatentImage
@XVIindustries yeah, you say that now and then when someone starts saying something that you don't agree with and find offensive you want to complain about it. If you didn't feed those kinda of fires then you wouldn't get burned. Let the moderators handle the disputes, you build planes and play nice.
But I rather enjoy having a jolly good shakesperish codswallop battle to defend by buddies from rotters then I put the fish in the puddle ready for netting @TheLatentImage
@XVIindustries then you report them and let the moderators address the issue.
Fine fine fine, but what if the person needs provoking, like a general not nice person/bully/colonel/troll/copycat @TheLatentImage
@XVIindustries mainly I'm talking about the way things went down in this thread as a good example. You intentionally provoked General360. Please don't do that to people man, it's not cool and then I have to get involved. So for the sake of everyone involved, just be cool man...
For me something contructive would be,
get yer ass into gear lad' said in a humerous tone
But I can't say that, as people will take it as offence,
Therefore I have to change
Your wings a bit lop sided mate
Your wing is bent btw
Because I've offended so many people who obviously don't come from my country when speaking online as I do IRL
many people take too much offence so I try and avoid saying ANITNING offencive but it turns out by doing this I seem to be neglecting peopling and being harsh to them
I also have OCD and find it extremely hard not to mention the mistakes of the aircraft to its builder,
In my book if I've left a rating I have basicly liked the plane flown it and found it fun,
If I comment on a replica usually it will state the things that aren't alike the real thing,
If I leave a rate this means I still liked it,
That is how I avoid offending people, although people don't know this therefore see the comment and go apeshit
@XVIindustries by assuming that his reaction level is over the top and then saying something to entice such a reaction is provocation that isn't needed. Like I said, he wasn't a part of the conversation that you were having so it was completely unnecessary bring his name into it.
Something doesn't have to be offensive to be upsetting to someone. The provocation alone can be upsetting enough. Swearing does offend some people, and as I've stated before people of all ages play this game. Swearing isn't necessary, nor is it appreciated by most here. I swear excessively in my every day life. But I don't need to do that here to get my point across. The random statements that you think offend people aren't necessarily random given the context of the conversation and the intent of the comment. As I've said before, please try to be more constructive and positive with the things that you say and do.
No one wishes you gone, the thing we do wish you to do, is become less offend-able, I generally dint actuary mean what I said, as explained above I'm conducting research on what does and doesn't offend people, and I have been monitoring arguments on this site to find out their causes and possible solutions, after that's done I'll give my findings to the moderators, for the good of all, so no one will have to go through an experience like that the colonel gave me, and no, I wouldn't dream of upsetting people because of my higher rank, I would actually prefer to keep a bronze rank, because I generally find the site more fun, when you are at gold it becomes boring, and you get lots of haters and copycats, I'd rather be unknown, just like I would rather be unknown as PlanesOfOld, because when I was harassed on that account, I left because the colonel got me banned and humiliated me In front of everyone, you know harrasment becomes real when doctors offer you antidepressants for it, I left that account and it was the best thing I did, I got rid of the hate, made a new account, but then the haters found me again, and thus here I am, gold and unhappy trust me, what you class as 'harrasment' is NOTHING like what I class as it, so please, take my advice and learn to resist your ASD- thoughts like me and report the scumbags instead of confronting them, and please, stop taking offence from things even I could laugh off, for your general enjoyment of the site, cause when u take offense so lightly it becomes Un-Fun just take my advice and don't do what I did @General360
My intention was not to upset him, my solitary purpose was to prove to him that his reaction level is wayyyyy over the top, seeing as I barely said anything that would offend me at all, or any of my friends or family, or anyone I even know, in the end I just did it for science, I am conducting research in what offends people on this site so I can propose a new 'rule' system to the devs, after all, it doesn't seem to be anitning like what you get with other games, so it isn't the swearing that offends people, it's basicly just random statements, most of which are actually missread @TheLatentImage
Allstar, thanks for the understanding and the support man. It helps a lot.
@General360 I'm on everyone's side man. I would do the same thing for anyone else that I've done for you. I want to make sure you and everyone else get the most out of this place.
@General360 no worries man. And I totally understand about being stressed, believe me. But this place should be your getaway from stress. Not add to it. So if you're not having fun, then either you are doing something wrong or someone else is and it's causing you to not have fun. You can fix the first one, report the 2nd and I'll fix that for you. Like I said, if we work together then then this place stays fun. Let me know if you need anything, I'm here to help and listen if you need to talk. This goes for anyone else reading this comment.
@XVIindustries by saying that he complied to your test is direct confirmation that you were saying something with the sole purpose of trying to upset him and get a response. That's not needed, nor is it constructive in any way. @General360 wasn't even a part of the conversation you were having with @RocketLL so I don't know why you felt it was necessary to include his name. As I've said to other users, try to be constructive and positive with your words and actions. I do believe that you expect the same respect.
@General360 nobody wants you dead and gone. You keep putting death and suicide in your comments and I am not pleased with it. This needs to stop. You really need to step back and assess your prorities, as your reaction to things said on this website have been very negative and very unhealthy. It doesn't mesh well with the focus and energy of the community at all. Nobody wants you dead. Nobody wants you to go. What I do want, is for you to try to change up your attitude and the way you approach the game and the community. If feel as if someone has been making offensive staments to you, report them. Don't feed the fire by arguing with them and the whole back and forth. Just report it and myself and the other moderators will tend to the issue. You've made some decent builds. You need to continue to focus on progressing your skill in the editor. Ease up on the negativity. If you need someone to talk with about any issues in a private manor, drop a comment to me and we will make that happen. This is supposed to be a fun place to share ideas. I don't know about you guys but I'm growing tired of all of the destructive efforts. If we all work together then this place will be awesome for all of us.
Not my place to say anything, but somebody being known for treating people horribly [or whatever] is not an excuse to treat others poorly and say "it's not so bad, look at name."
@General360 Blah blah blah stop responding. Problem solved.