Choose two of these.
- Speed : Mach 1 isn't enough.
- Maneuverability : Turns so hard that the camera couldn't catch up.
- Stability : Glides perfectly straight for minutes.
- Design/Colours : Flying machines are art.
- Versatility : Land anywhere, takeoff anywhere.
- Features : Variable sweep wings, weapons, bomb bays, and more.
- Replica : You couldn't tell the difference.
@phoenixzis Agreed.
@JovianPat Well there certainly is a point about that. One of the early aviation pioneers said:" A good looking plane fly good " so there is certainly a connection between them. But sometimes some designs are too cutting edge and trades good looks for agility.....well in total if I really need to choose between good looks and good flying characteristics... I think I will choose flying characteristics. after all this is what this game is about. Simple, yet Planes. ps:prey for Paris
Does it fly
I really don't have an aim. I just
make what I feel like making.
@phoenixzis For me sometimes design doesn't matter. My early planes are very simple, but agile.
I don't think speed is that important. it will always be maneuverability (at least align all balls and get control surfaces to work in harmony as not to or have less retort--you pull it, it pushes back ) and then design--looks good is a must but maneuverability must survive. I don't like replicating stuffs. Then it's some Flaps, engine tunes, details, etc. And then it's plane specific--range, stability , climb rate, fuel consumption ,speed ,
Versatility and stability.
Maneuverability, design.
@merasmusthewizard @JetFighter Well I guess performance matters a lot.
I choose that because any speed is compatible for all of my plane,but maneuverability and stability doesn't compatible for all of my plane.So if I make aircraft,I don't need high speed(but sometimes I needed it)I only need that both that I choose.
I choose maneuverability and stability
My designs are pretty basic, and favor inherent stability and maneuverability.
@Delphinus Me too :)
@Delphinus lol
For me it's Maneuverability and stability.
versatility and stability. sometimes speed
Features and Stability... I almost give up on the game when there is an amazing looking plane with tonnes of features, and the COM causes it to do backflips or front flips.
Yeah, I kinda try to get into all of those aspects as I'm progressing through a build. All of those are a priority at some point.
Replica, features
Maneuverability and stability, possibly reality too. I hate constantly adjusting my planes :-[
Replica and Stability, and if they included a feature, I make sure that works too.
Naturally it varies with each plane, but it always has to look good and be as maneuverable as possible. Usually I get a certain concept - something as broad as "no roll controls" or "looks like a swan" - and that sorta dictates where the build goes