First Issue
I have been testing my M1A5 build against itself, and everytime I hit the immobile version of said tank, regardless of XML-modded health(courtesy of Overload) with an explosive round, It just goes boom.
Second Issue
Using standard Kinetic rounds with disableAircraftCollisions given the value "true" will make the round phase through anything it hits.
Fixes Needed:
For Issue 1
Certain Health Values will be resistant to X number of explosive rounds in calibers of 105mm-190mm
10000 - 1 hit
150000 - 3 hits
10000000 - 5 hits
15000000- 6 hits
1000000000 - 10 hits
100000000000 -15 hits
100000000000000 - 20 hits
1000000000000000 - Infinite number of hits
Add ERA Blocks to counter explosive rounds (and rockets)
For Issue 2:
Attribute "disableAircraftCollisions" should not do anything to the gun's rounds. Apply in a hotfix.....
Edit: changes
Edit 2: more changes......
Oh, I thought you meant the ships! Yes, it will one-shot people's creations.
@TheFantasticTyphoon So can you try to fix my M1 Abrams and to not make it go boom in one shot?
It doesn't one-shot everything.
@TheFantasticTyphoon Eh, what do you mean?
It doesn't do that.
@TheFantasticTyphoon What about the Tank Cannon 1-shotting anything regardless of health?
@TheFantasticTyphoon yes
We need a separate "Disable Collisions" attribute for the shells.