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[Teaser] FCM Medium Prototype, September 1940.

43.0k Thefrenchdude22  5.2 years ago

Greetings Commander

The new FCM medium Tank project is advancing rapidly. We have decided to add a 75mm APX canon, similar to the ones already installed on the ARL V.39 Tank destroyers. For ergonomic reasons, mostly related to the size of this canon, the final build possesses an all new FCM-F1.R turret, capable to host up to three men inside. We have used many components from the G1 projects aswell. The hull is mostly inspired by the Lorraine G1L, while the turret is more acquainted to the Renault G1R.

Performance results are very promising, as they have proven to be higher than anticipated. The maximum speed is 35-36 km/h, for a total weight of 25.5 tons. The pilots of the prototype gave us a very positive feedback, especially in terms of maneuverability, and suspension stabilty. Some details need to be corrected, but the whole vehcile will be ready for manufacturing by December.
We are now awaiting your approval commander.
Yours truly,