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Driftin' [Teaser + Gif]

162k spefyjerbf  5.2 years ago

Somewhat unintentionally, my uploads have been spaced at one month! Yes, that qualifies as frequent posting for me.

My next upload is something that I call a SeaSkimmer. This name comes from how it flies. It hovers a few feet above the ocean, almost "skimming" the water's surface. The gif that comes with the build shows this pretty well:

It has a pretty nifty cannon, that does an insane amount of damage for its caliber. So, unless if I get any objections, I'm gonna enter it into Bogdan's cannon challenge. Judging might be a bit difficult, so it won't be a big deal if I get nuked on performance.

I'm expecting to upload it on Sunday. Of course, that isn't a certainty, so feel free to ask me to tag you.

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    Kinda reminds of the ship of Nova Corps from Guardians Of The Galaxy.

    5.2 years ago
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    28.4k goboygo1

    That looks unbelievably rad.

    +1 5.2 years ago
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    162k spefyjerbf

    @SnoWFLakE0s Thanks! I wanted to give it an “alive” look. You might find the flight system somewhat interesting too.

    5.2 years ago
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    67.3k SnoWFLakE0s

    Very nice. Like the oscillating thingy there.

    +1 5.2 years ago
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    10.9k Rub3n213

    I’d like to have a shot at winning so how about you don’t :p

    +1 5.2 years ago