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2020RP Server and RP update: Events, new land, Radio show, and more!

6,368 KDS  5.1 years ago

So I’d like to say really quick that on itself, we tend to be really quiet outside of radio announcements on occasion. However, the rest of the team working on keeping everything sane has been doing an excellent job at it, along with the RP’ers within our group that have made ours nicer than others. So quick thank you to them for making sure everyone’s civil and working to keep things running.

With that said, I’d like to jump into what’s being added/changed to the server and RP itself.

1. More posts!

So I know we’re not exactly good about posting public logs on events that have happened within the sever, or really communicating outside the server in general... With that said, we’re aiming to start making more regular posts about the events going on within the server, such as conflicts, major actions, whatnot, etc. If it’s relevant, it’s getting put in a post somewhere for logs sake.

2. New land!

We’ve recently imposed a rule about activity within the month, basically enforcing consistent action throughout the month from a nation, the bigger the more important. Well, a long story short, a handful of countries have been removed from the canon map, so there’s plenty of space open for new players looking for a more relaxed RP to dive into. We’ll be happy to have you aboard this crazy train.

3. New things to do!

We’ve introduced two new ways to be involved and active as a country during times of peace and nothing crazy is going on. The first one being something PositivePlanes cooked up, involving setting up a natural event such as virus outbreak, natural disaster, economic crisis’, whatever a rolling mod decided on usually gets rolled and decided by the combat mod rolling for one. The outcome of said roll becoming canon and everyone either needing to respond to it, or choose to ignore it.

The next thing is a sort of sporting wargame idea using WW2 tech. Basically imagine a bunch of military generals betting on chess but all the pieces are WW2 era vehicles, and aircraft. The way this “harmless” wargame will work is two nations that want to settle a dispute or compete in a national war sport will be handed an exact year for what WW2 tech is allowed for the game. Players will then be put in a random environment hosted by an AI country as a middle ground. From there, the two nations will fight using the old machinery until one surrenders, or runs out of working items. It’s a good incentive to have a variety of WW2 era stuff built along with modern builds. Multiple rounds can be held, a “battle royale” ish international event can be held, or tag team. The potential is limitless for it and what is desired. More details will be fleshed out soon.

4. More involvement with AI!

The non-player controlled nations usually fall under the control of the independent mods in terms of what they do and what they respond to anything. For awhile now, nations were for the most part not doing anything unless reacting to something. We’re working on making the non-player run countries operate on their own more, with their own goals and values somewhat aligned with their real life counterparts. So keep an eye out for that.

5. The Radio Show!

Mostly a separate thing sharing the server is the Discord Radio Show that I host, for those of you who don’t know what it is, I made a post awhile about it here.
TL;DR: I’ve been hosting a radio “station” through discord talking about games, SP, and just stuff in general. The schedule has finally been worked out. So whoo. Every week, the show is hosted on Fridays, at 8:30 (EST), unless announced otherwise in the server. It’s a fun time, I love doing it and everyone gets to listen to some music. Hopefully in the future we’ll begin doing theme weeks and calling on guests or co hosts as the show grows. So if you’re interested in the show, feel free to join the server and request a radio notification role.
You do not need to partake in the RP to listen in on the show.

6. An in house bot!

So if you haven’t visited 2020 before, you may not know that we had our own bot designed for our needs. I know this isn’t exactly new information to anyone already in the RP server, but it’s finally fully up and running for business. I’d like to thank real quick the guy who made it, and just to show that we care about making all the details right. It will continue to be expanded on to fill our needs, and it’s just an overall nice touch.


We’ve had a lot going on behind the scenes in terms of running everything and I felt it was time to give the public an update of what’s going on with us, along with a reminder that we’re still here. A lot of the mod team has been passionate about keeping things clean and running to the point we went through the trouble getting a custom bot. Along with new ideas going for the server. It’s had it’s ups and downs, and there’s still much to do. However it’s been impressive from everyone involved getting us to this point, from both the mods and very patient players. So I hope that it will last awhile longer with everyone together.

Interested in joining in on the fun, the radio, or just want to hang out? You can join this server here!