Hello, I’m here today to show you my current progress on my next airframe build. After building up motivation for the last month, I have begun the building process. It’s currently in rough draft stage. After I complete the fuselage, I will go back and smooth it out. So, here is a few pictures of the current state of the build.
Definitely, I will also upload it with a skin covering so people can fly it around. @F4f879
@Mercyaircraftcorporation ohhh, very cool! will you upload a version of just the airframe?
Yes, but my focus is not on the aircraft, but the actual airframe. That is what I’m building. @F4f879
@Mercyaircraftcorporation would it not be possible to weight a plane the same without using an internal airframe to get identical flight characteristics without adding lots of seemingly unnecessary unseen parts
Yes. It is going inside of the plane. I am building a F-100 airframe currently, which you are looking at the inlet for. Airframes in SP actually allow for a more realistic weight, makes it stronger, and look pretty nice when done right. @F4f879
@F4f879 yes
@Noname918181 isn't it going inside the plane?
My secret? My total lack of self worth and will to do the impossible. @Randomdoggo
@F4f879 an airframe
what am i looking at?