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No one cares...

1,083 SimpleEngineering  5.0 years ago

Every time I made something original, it doesn't get as much attention as my recreation series.
Also, I currently feel burnt out, I feel unmotivated.
help, what should I make next?

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    71.5k MintLynx

    What Noname said, specifically try uploading on Friday nights when lots of peeps are off school/work. Your build will be at its newest when the most people will likely be online so it's a good way to help with exposure. Also it doesn't hurt to be (or remain if you are already) Active in comment sections around here so peeps see you.

    5.0 years ago
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    4,357 Wi1dSk7

    If you only build hoping for updoots then you will be disappointed, build for yourself and try new things.

    5.0 years ago
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    I'd suggest you post an times where more people are active, this way, you'll have more chances of getting attention

    5.0 years ago