I’ve been thinking of making a ship for a while but I don’t know where to start all.
i have is a rough vision for the things it would be able to do and such but i suck with planning space.
With planes and jets i just add and blend the shape but with ships you can’t do that you need a hull and that hull is complex if you want it looking good and changes to it after makes it look bad there’s no blending in the hull so i need help with this one someone who knows what sizes ill need for realism and function as well as design in general examples being how big a cannon should be and etc ps helpers gets full credit for everything you do even if it’s small ill list it as your work this build will probably be more your build anyway I’m not building for the credit I’m building to just have it to use for missions and fun so u have full credit if you want
Realistic..., my biggest enemy..., find my battlecruiser, that hull is just the size of a destroyer or light cruiser