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Color Scheme Vote

19.4k QuitePossiblyMangled  5.0 years ago

Make sure to read the instructions entirely.

So, as I work on getting points on my new account, I will be using this account for posting teasers and other things. Anyways, I am currently building a F-100 airframe because why not. I enjoy building them and feel like a pro builder when I upload them. Back on topic, I wanted to have a spiffy paint job for it. So, I decided to ask the community to vote on the paint job.

This is how it will work. Each picture will have a number above it. If you want to vote on a color scheme, post the number of the picture you want in the comments. I will tally up the votes in three days and declare a winner. Here are your options:







Now that the opitions have been stated, let the poll begin! If you have a suggestion for a color scheme that isn't listed, drop a link to the photo in the comments. I will be using the comment upvote system to determine the numb er of votes that suggestion will receive. Till then, see ya'll later!