Yep, that's me, a 7-year old Lab-Retriever called Buddy who lives in Sunnywale , California....
The pic is of me on my 7th birthday....
I love planes and tanks and whatnot and just love sharing my ideas with you! This community is great! Thank You for guiding me whenever I need help.
(This was actually made by me , Mega. Buddy inspired me to make planes and tanks and whatnot and I decided to give him a voice to talk to the world in the form of me, and yes , I am WAY older than 7)
Or maybe it’s just a popular idea
Why is everyone ripping off my sh*tpost
Ha, oh wait that’s from that one meme! @Megamonster
It’s together forever and ever tonight...@Sm10684
If I didn’t crop the pic you would see a giant Dominos Pizza...@Sm10684
Lol @Megamonster
Ha for the first time in forever right! @Strucker
That's the third time I have been redirected to that song...@Sm10684
An ad saved me.
Funni, No laugh
here’s me
When's the elbow reveal?
I might as well do one also
When you reach gold do a username reveal