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How do you make a Artificial Horizon?

3,691 Planeruletheskies  5.1 years ago


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    13.7k FlyingHueman

    @DickBrazen I don't think that thing I did warrants credit, unless one dowright takes the entire piece as a subassembly - it's not like it's a complex, groundbreaking or innovative idea, it's actually dead simple and I'm pretty sure lots of people have already done the same thing - both before and after me.

    That being said, I appreciate it a lot that my build was the first thing that came to your mind on this, lol.

    +1 5.1 years ago
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    It depends on what kind of artificial horizon you want to build lol.

    +1 5.1 years ago
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    16.4k Aarons123

    Probably something funky to do with funky trees, or gyroscopes

    5.1 years ago