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10.6k Trijetz  5.0 years ago

To the new players out there, don't give up. Everyone makes "bad" planes at the start, and we keep on progressing. I saw this rant once that was titled "Why I am bad at this game." First off, you can't be bad at this game. You can get fustrated but you can't be bad at the game. You are not earning anything. You are using your brain to create replicas or creating your own airplanes, or whatever cars and tanks and boats and other stuff you guys create. That is the beauty of this game. You can only learn. You can't suck at the game. So I say, study other player's aircraft, disect their aircraft and look at their techniques and such on how they ended up creating their creations. Learn from them. Don't be afraid to ask stupid questions either. There is almost no stupid questions in simpleplanes. So, take this as encouragement, and good day.