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The SimplePlanes Etiquette #1: Using other's creation.

81.9k TakicraftCorporation  5.1 years ago


I wanted to write about this long ago, but now seems like it's more actual, more or less because of the leaving of Randomusername.

So what is etiquette?
The code of polite behavior in society or among members of a particular group. And lads, we are a group here aren't we?

I think we should discuss some general behavior 'rules' we should keep when we talking each other and want to use each other's builds.


These are not meant to be rules like the website rules, you don't need to keep them. But if you keep them this site will be a little piece of paradise on the internet.

Soooo.... Imagine this scenario: Somebody uploads a car, what you really like, and you have an idea to make a police car out of it. You know how to behave polite, like a true british gentleman (or gentlewoman) so you do these steps:


This is often get left out. But i think it's a correct method to ask the original creator about that you can use the build. Here are some basic sentence:

'Hello, can i modify this?'
'Hi, don't mind if i build something from this?'
'Hey, i like this one. Can i use it as a base for a police car?' (stick to the example)

The creator will not say no, because you were correct and asked about it, and most importantly, we support each other's creativity.

exception: If the original creator mentioned that the build is 'free to use' then you may not need to ask for premission, but crediting him/her in your final post is recommended (see below)

Use credit!

I know, the website will credit automatically, but it will no harm if you write into the description something like:
'Thanks for @OriginalCreator for the base vehicle'
It's good if you write down the list of your modifications as well.

Get proper recognition

If you keep this simple formalities, then hopeflly you will get the well deserved upvotes for a correct post.

As you may noticed this could be instructive for beginners mainly, but it will be cool if we all start to using this little 'etiquette rules'

Also this post meant to be educational and not offensive I don't want to speak against beginners or others or something, i just put here this suggestion and hope that this community will be more better.

If you have some similar 'etiquette' suggestion please let me know in the comments below

Thanks for the reading
Have a nice day/night/evening


I discussed about the 'pointless build' build term with @RamboJutter and i decided to delete that part. I didn't realised that creativity have different forms for each of us and that made my post contradictory with itself. Sorry for the misunderstanding (if this caused some)

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    Sweet that would be awesome @TakicraftCorporation

    5.0 years ago
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    @Carmechanicman i think i have a half-redy trophy truck somewhere. I'll try to finish and upload all of my abandoned projects while im at home...

    5.0 years ago
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    Hey @TakicraftCorporation do you think you could build a trophy truck? I think that would be awesome because of how good you other vehicle builds are!

    5.0 years ago
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    Hi @TakicraftCorporation are you interested in joining the Spec-P Program? It is fairly new. If you wish to contact me my Email is in my profile.

    5.1 years ago
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    @Jetpackturtle I don't know. Feels like i have provoked a gang war or something. But all i wanted is to suggest a polite gesture to the community...

    +1 5.1 years ago
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    sup im back
    what in the name of the holy land is going down

    5.1 years ago
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    29.1k Mattangi2

    @JamesBleriot oh just for kicks, i went thru ur posts. U dont have any forums reporting on the bans of other people. The one on me from a couple months ago is still up tho.

    5.1 years ago
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    This is just keeps getting out of hand...

    5.1 years ago
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    @MrGibbs Sure bro! go on :D

    5.1 years ago
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    10.5k Brencool35

    @MrGibbs sure! what

    5.1 years ago
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    210 MrGibbs

    Hi, don't mind if i build something about this?

    +1 5.1 years ago
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    3,300 Subnerdica

    I’m not British but i already do this anyway. Ya know us American rednecks have manners too. They’re just different. Such as not getting taxed for tea that we didn’t want. (Jk)

    +1 5.1 years ago
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    29.1k Mattangi2

    @JamesBleriot ok welp have fun with that, i guess calling an egotistical person an egotistical person is just not allowed anymore? Thanks for informing me, I will make sure to be super positive and nice to everyone anywhere

    +3 5.1 years ago
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    4,379 JamesBleriot

    You aren’t the only person whose ban I reported so I don’t have anything out for you specifically. But your trashing and bashing of a goodly member of this website has been enough. To quote the witchfinder General, “Thou art a wretched sinner, utterly unworthy of god's love, a fountain of pollution is deep within thy nature, and thou livest as a winter tree, unprofitable, fit only to be hewn down and burned. Steep thy life in prayer, and hope that god sees fit to show mercy on thy corrupted soul.” @Mattangi2

    5.1 years ago
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    4,379 JamesBleriot

    @Tully2001 @EternalDarkness

    5.1 years ago
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    29.1k Mattangi2

    @JamesBleriot twice actually, and both times you publicized it, which was idk not funny or commendable? I think I had this conversation with you before. I have no idea why you seem to love reporting on my bans, but its really cringy dude. And im not trashing anyone. Literally RU told me to F*ck off. I'm just reacting to that.

    +5 5.1 years ago
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    4,379 JamesBleriot

    Isn’t being banned three times enough @Mattangi2

    5.1 years ago
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    4,379 JamesBleriot

    Stop trashing people or the Buffalo Tullys are coming out tonight @Mattangi2

    5.1 years ago
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    29.1k Mattangi2

    @Spikerya I explained pretty clearly why she never belonged in this community.
    And i think she pretty clearly showed a negative side that obv isnt morally correct. Mainly telling me to f off for uploading a successor, but also for falsely victimizing herself as a victim of harassment. Ngl , that second one is really one of the most immoral things you can do as a human being, not just as a user in SP.
    Dude, if she had just simply blocked me or something, I would have been absolutely destroyed. I would have had nothing to say in my own defense. But no. That's not what she did, she freaked out and made the whole thing about herself. and that to me is pretty immoral.

    +2 5.1 years ago
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    31.1k Spikerya

    @Mattangi2 and I don't need money to find or deliver on the fact that it's not what you say it's what you do and what you did by adding on created more of an issue for her.
    Edit: which in any case the simple idea would be to notice that reaction and act accordingly, and yes you might've responded positively in your own way but either the way she saw it our based upon the previous posts being repetitive in used satire on multiple builds might've shown it in a negative light. I've had people in the past do something to my cars that clearly I don't like for how much time and effort I put into them and if it becomes such an issue yes I will talk to them on a level but if it continues (which it did at one point) obv I'm going to have some issues with that now.

    5.1 years ago
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    31.1k Spikerya

    @Mattangi2 I don't agree to the fact of what you see and what I see bc obv they're going to be different, but the moral issue here is that she reacted negatively to her craft being used and you covered the issue by the rules in the community and not being open minded to someone else's view nor their own plight. And everyone belongs here, not a select few who get along in the community. Until they show a negative side that obv isn't morally correct, then they should be allowed to continue what they do and not to be bothered by people downloading then using their build as a satire towards some other vendetta like X4JB. And in circumstances like this ofc someone might react negatively. I probably would have too if it was something like this. And then to have people force you away and not listen to what you have to say or to just keep adding to it when it's already an obv issue then where is your head at? Just saying it might be where the sun don't shine if you can't think for two seconds someone's own repercussions and actions towards something like that happening.

    5.1 years ago
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    29.1k Mattangi2

    @Spikerya and eyy, have u seen the linked pic? i wasnt toxic at all. In fact, if you go to the milennium falcon post and go to the comments, i mean hers are gone now, but I am actually quite supportive, and offer advice and help. When she rejected all of that, thats when I was like "ok whatever." I wasnt the toxic one here. In fact, i will personally send you 50$ in steam money if you can find just 1 comment or post where, without any reasonable doubt, I was toxic. And im serious about that, I've offered money as rewards for challenges before, and I absolutely delivered.

    +3 5.1 years ago
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    29.1k Mattangi2

    @Spikerya The whole point of why we are called the Simpleplanes Community is because of that one word: community. Remeber the communism meme? Like “haha communism its not your bread its OUR bread!” Communism and community come from the same root word. When you upload a plane to the Simpleplanes Community, that post is not trademarked and copyrighted, its shared to everyone and anyone to download, change, and reupload, as long as you dont steal. That’s what makes us a community, not competitors or rivals. Our creativity is for everyone to take part in as a whole. Together, we form one group. If she doesnt like that, then she might like sites like Turbosquid, but if she cant learn to accept that very simple premise, well, sorry to say but...maybe she doesnt belong here, and maybe she never did.

    And yes morals are subjective and I cant force my morals onto her. But that's not what happened. I did not try to force my morals onto her, quite the opposite. She tried to force her morals onto me, and i told her bascially exactly what you just told me. She tried to argue that in her perspective, I was insulting her and her builds. And i respect her morals, but I just dont agree with them, and thus I don't have to follow them. As you said, she shouldnt be able to mess with someone else in a moral obligation towards what being human truly is. I think it was completely moral to upload a 100% legal successor. She cant force her morals onto me.

    +4 5.1 years ago
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    31.1k Spikerya

    @Mattangi2 I'd still say you ofc for even doing it in the first place by riding the coattails of some other user who clearly has some type of remorse that you don't seem to have nor want. In a case like this when someone has their flaws and mistakes like even she did nobody should be able to mess with that person in a moral obligation towards what being human truly is. And if you don't see that then I don't know how else to explain it to you.

    Edit: and clearly if she reacts that way initially then THE FIRST IDEA you should have is to not keep pushing it. We're not a toxic group nor should we, we're all here to have a fun time but if you push the buttons or mess with the bull you're gonna get the horns.

    5.1 years ago
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    29.1k Mattangi2

    @Spikerya as a joke. I added a 3500 part milennium falcon cockpit to the car. That's obviously a joke. You might not find it funny, but I dont care, im allowed to do that. The FIRST comment I get is from RU.

    Now if you are referring to the re-upload I did, then yes, that was me "ripping off" her build with the sole intention of pissing her off, as a response to her quite sad attempt to gain sympathy for herself by making a forum post where she pretty much begged for sympathy and made herself some sort of victim of harassment. Harassment! Because apparently uploading a 100% legal successor of your car is harassment? (and actually, i did give credit in the second post, albeit it was very misspelled).

    So you tell me who had worse etiquette, me, who uploaded a completely legal successor and then one not so legal re-upload, or RU, who literally told me to f myself and then tried to peg HERSELF as the victim, voluntarily publicizing the drama herself, and then begging for even MORE sympathy by deleting her acc and then making a forum when people started to realize that maybe she wasnt the victim here.

    +6 5.1 years ago
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