Mods, do not ban me for harassment. This is NOT harassment. Harassment “is commonly understood as behavior that demeans, humiliates or embarrasses a person.” (wikipedia). Pointing out what someone did wrong is not demeaning them, or humiliating them, or embarrassing them, especially when that person vehemently argues that she is the victim of those actions, and then has been calling ME out for lying and being egocentric., even though this is literally my first forum post on the topic, and thus could not have lied about anything... Otherwise, all court cases where the suspect is found guilty is an example of harassment. I know one of you said dont bring this up again, but at this point i kinda have to.
Note: this forum post implies that you know what happened. I dont go into specifics as to what "this post" and "that post" is.
Second Note: as X4JB pointed out, I used "Randy" in short of Randomusername. He informed me that "randy" is an actual word in the english language that means lustful, lecherous. This was in no way intentional, English is not my first language, and thus my vocab can be pretty limited at times. Sry bout that!
First thing first: I have indeed done something wrong! I have the capacity to admit when I am in the wrong. I did in fact re-upload Randonusername’s deleted post without her permission to do so, breaking the rules of the game, as very eloquently stated by randy herself:
And this is where I talk about randomusername directly.
I’m mainly going to go off of this post below, posted by RU herself to an undisclosed discord server, in addition to a snippet of her current bio:
Let’s start with this bit in the discord post:
There are many examples of her being egotistic, but conveniently, RU had all her posts removed. Luckily, I have screenshots, so not all the empirical evidence is gone, and we dont have to resort to purely anecdotal.
Please take a look at these two screenshots:
Do you notice something in common between them?
They’re all about herself. More specifically:
“None of the successors are what I want.”
- That’s not the point of successors, randy. That’s the exact opposite of what a successor on SP is; someone else takes your build, and makes it their own, editing it as they please, and they re-upload it. I will go into more detail about this later.
“Do you even know me?”
- I don’t think I need to explain myself for this one.
With those two, it was pretty easy to spot the egocentrism in the post. This next one may take some big braining:
(context: this comment was left on X4JB’s water-cooled CR-15 post)
Why is this ego-centrism? I think X4JB said it best:
Anyone could very clearly see that the post in question was very clearly a joke, and nobody took it seriously. Except for Randy, who took it as a personal attack.
To take one of the most light-hearted jokes there are and misconstrue that as a directed assault on your own self-worth implies that Randy thinks people only do things for two reasons: to help her or to harm her. Every action is carried out with her in mind. Whatever someone is doing, she thinks it’s always connected back to herself in some way, even if that thing is merely a harmless joke. And I would argue that that is very egocentric.
Ok, this one, I don’t have a screenshot as proof, but I do have a screenshot of my reply to her comment:
“What I make? It’s perfect! If you change it, you are RUINING my perfect creation!”
Now, I would like to shift your attention to these excerpts, again from her bio and her discord post:
For someone who emphasizes that she doesnt like drama and attention, she sure does go around starting a lot of drama and begging for attention. Let me explain, because again, Randy has deleted all her posts.
- This may come as a surprise to people, but I did not advertise the upload of Randy’s car with the millennium falcon cockpit strapped to it. I merely uploaded it, and that’s it. The person who publicized it was none other than Randy herself! After seeing my upload, she deleted the original CR-15, which ok, i have no problem with that, she has the right to do that. And then she uploaded a forum post detailing that she had deleted her original post because some user had been harassing her.
I think this comment really sums up my reaction to that well.
Look at this photo:
Notice how it has 0 upvotes? That means that it has drawn absolutely no attention to itself. However, it rose to a total of 8 upvotes AFTER Randy posted that forum. This implies that the ONLY reason people found out about this at all was because randy literally announced to everyone that it had happened. You just cannot claim that you do not seek attention after pulling something like that.
(BTW, here is the link to that forum. It doesnt work anymore, but i just wanted to show that I have it.)
Secondly, let’s talk about those face reveals.
One could argue that the first one she did, which was her fuselage art post, was not an attempt to farm attention. She merely made a fuselage art of herself, and I know fuselage art takes some effort to do. So props!
However, if one was truly not seeking attention, one would not then go ahead and, seeing the success of the first face reveal, do a second one, literally titled “what do you think of my new avatar?”, which grew so popular that she had to ask a moderator to remove some comments.
And you can interpret that comment in any way you want.
Next, SEXISM! I’ve heard the sexism card being thrown around a bit during this whole thing.
Randy says so herself as well, in her bio:
Let me be the one the break it to you, randy: the ONLY reason you exploded in popularity on SP is because of sexism. Sexism has, in fact, BENEFITTED you. Have you noticed that after you uploaded your face reveals where you reveal that you are a girl, your posts, which had previously been getting around 40-60 upvotes suddenly started getting a minimum of 100? Is it because you suddenly got much better at the game? No, it’s because of sexism; boys, who make up id say 99% of this game’s userbase, started to flock to your builds to honor it with their upvote. If i remember correctly, EVERY single one of your posts after the face reveals have surpassed 100 upvotes, purely because you are girl, and thus are treated differently. Your face reveals got literally hundreds of comments complimenting you or your drawing, purely because you are a girl, and thus are treated differently. Multiple people actually pointed this out in the comments of that post, though I do not have screenshots of them. Bottom line is, if I were you, I would not be complaining about sexism.
Now, let’s look at what started all this: Randy does not like Successors. Here’s her saying it:
And here is her reaction towards me uploading a successor to her post:
“I would rather be a nobody than the user that has to deal with this.”
(minor interjection: I find it weird that you hate successors which have changed something in your build, but when I literally just took your post and uploaded it as is with no changes, you still freaked out. Inconsistent much? I sense a double standard.)
Randy. If you read none of what I wrote above, please at least read this. The whole point of why we are called the Simpleplanes Community is because of that one word: community. Remember the communism meme? Like “haha communism its not your bread its OUR bread!” Communism and community come from the same root word, communis, which in Latin, means "common, public, shared by all or many.” Shared by all or many. Not gatekept and restricted. When you upload a plane to the Simpleplanes Community, that post is not trademarked, copyrighted, and put behind a paywall; its shared to everyone and anyone to download, change, and reupload, as long as you don't steal. That’s why the successor system exists! That’s what makes us a community, not competitors or rivals. Our creativity is for everyone to take part in as a whole. Together, we form one group. If you don’t like that, then you may like sites like Turbosquid, where all 3d models are hidden behind paywalls, but if you cant learn to accept the very simple premise that when you upload a post, you are contributing your creativity to the whole community, well, sorry to say but...maybe you don’t belong here.
Lastly, a quick defense for myself. Throughout this whole thing, I have been called toxic, a cyberbully, a harasser, etc etc. Hopefully this forum changed your mind about that. But in case you didn’t, here are some comments left by me to Randomusername, at the bottom of the original CR-15 Millennium Falcon cockpit post, where I am genuinely trying to help her:
I meant whole-heartedly what I said in those comments. She has admitted that she is waaay too sensitive, and that it is a problem that she wishes to fix. And I was offering her a way to fix that. She didn’t want my help, then accused me of harassment. Then I got banned for harassment.
Comment section is open to all perspectives. I have blocked no one, and will be offended by no one, so feel free to let it out on me if you wish.
Ngl there has been a whole lot of sexism through this, and that is absolutely not acceptable for our community. I mean, some comments were literally creepy on Randomusername’s drawing PFP she did.
Sexism is not OK people.
Not to be offensive but i forgot this user existed for a while
When will you post the search results ?
You found all your info tho.
@KnightOfRen why are you actively looking for this
mhm. Seems to be here.
oooh, imma get some more popcorn
@BogdanX technically someone added a plot twist
@X4JB I'm not finished with my comment, as I said. I'm in class
What I did during this drama is contact her on discord for the first time. Reason bring is that I at first didn't know what was wrong with the successors, so I wanted to know why and how she felt about it the way she did.
And well after talking to her I think I understand how she feels, and why personally doesn't like them. Every person is different, she really does get affected negatively from successors. It's nothing to do with being egocentric, and it's not something she enjoys either.
And with the attention she really wasn't looking for it, even if she ended up getting attention. I'm not going to explain it here, for reasons. But she doesn't really like attention the majority of the time. Again that's just because how she is, and most people aren't like her in that regard.
I'm not saying she did everything right, she could have handled the situation differently but she didn't do this out of trying to hurt others or out of being egocentric. The truth is just that most of us will not understand how everything was for her unless you have a long and detailed discussion with her, even then some might not understand.
She has a pretty unique mind that most just can't relate to.
But if you get to know her, like me, you'll see she has good intentions.
I'll have to finish this comment later because class is starting but please let's try to just forget the drama and respect that she doesn't want any successors. Just because someone might not be bothered by successors doesn't mean someone else doesn't get affected negatively.
Let's not judge her all on this, she regrets this drama.
I Agree with @jamesPLANESii 100%
A disclaimer I give to you about this post to you; mattangi2, is that this post could be quite dangerous towards Randomusername.
As being a victim of having everything dumb I’ve ever said over that past 4 years as someone who at the time had made over 15,000 comments (Tully2001 that was absolutely not the right thing to do) being revealed to the point where several people hate me and occasionally send be passive aggressive and very demotivating and rude things to me (Blue0Bull looking at you especially) I must tell you how brutal this kind of post can be.
I really don’t want people to see this post and make assumptions on Randomusername without even talking to her. Sure she’s done some dumb things in the past (which is the stuff listed in this post, this is actually a concentration of everything she’s done bad) but she’s also done some pretty good things. She’s worked out the physics of SimplePlanes more than anyone else on the website. She’s worked out some population systems and mechanisms that couldn’t have been imagined a long time ago. She helps newer people out
Just don’t judge Randomusername solely on this post. Thank you.
@X4JB nah, didnt get conused, just didnt want to type "randomusername" over and over
@X4JB lmao "lustful, lecherous." sorry, not intentional, will put disclaimer
@X4JB and no i didnt call her randy on purpose, i just didnt want to use her real name, and randomusername is just a hassle to type out... I had literally no idea randy was even a word that existed (english aint my first language, my vocabulary is pretty limited)
@X4JB ye, wow thanks for reading the whole thing, didnt think anyone would lmao
the communis thing is just to further prove that we are a community, and her gatekeeping her posts has no business here. It's just a lil tidbit i threw in, its not the entire arguement.
And i didnt mean to say I was nice, i was trying to prove i never harassed her, and that at first i was genuinely trying to help the issue that she admitted she had. But no, like you said, i was not "nice."
and the thing about the 4 mins, I think you may have misread; it had nothing to do with the comment she posted. She posted a forum where she announced that she deleted her original post because I was harassing her. The comment had nothing to do with the picture, I just forgot to crop it out honestly.
I guess there was no other way of doing it really. Basically the issue was that she decided not to reveal it until really late when she was pretty good and very well known, and revealing it so late meant that it was inevitably going to end in a bit of a disaster since so many people on this site were guys. The reason this hasn’t happened before is everyone else who’s been revealed to be a girl on this site (ie, pyromaniac and Delphinus), revealed they were girls very early on and so it wasn’t so much of a drama and everyone accepted it. Randomusername pretty much trapped herself, so this reaction was inevitable and would happen eventually. What I’m saying is this was not a thing with gaining attention, it was inevitable. @Lavi @PhantomBladeCorp
Also, I’m not saying that this makes the sexism OK, what I’m saying is there was going to be a reaction that she was a girl. You can still do that without being sexist. The same way that someone revealing that they were actually a real life millionaire or something would get a reaction.
@jamesPLANESii lol what were you expecting?
The guys in this community are like 4chan. Pity they are this way, but what can you do?
This should be remembered as a lesson for the future that face reveals can turn disastrous. Proceed at your own risk.
@jamesPLANESii very true, I will pin ur comment
@Mattangi2 look i will not loose another user like you that's your 4th strike
@BuiltBionixInd10 muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
@Mattangi2 How dare you
@IStoleYourMeme yay shosti
the hero we need, but not the one we deserve
comments dont work?