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What is the current plan about LandingGear FT input?

9,447 vcharng  5.0 years ago

In the beta announcement for 1.9.202, I raised the issue that LandingGear (hereafter, "LG") input has been reversed.
Snowflake on the thread said he filed a bug report for this, as this change causes plain LG input to act conversely with funky tree LG input.
So I really want to hear from the devs, either Andrew or WNP78, about their plan for this on release.
I designed a fully-FT-based landing gear system according to the .202 FT input (i.e. reversed), and it's getting more and more complicated (landing gear actuator, gear bay door actuator, landing gear light, ground proximity warning....)
I just want to know what I should expect on the release version of 1.9.202, should I expect to reverse every such input on my new plane? (right now 19 of them in one plane), or should I expect to reverse every such input in my 1.9.0-1.9.202 planes? (there are 5-6 such planes, I believe.)