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Aero Drag detection is broken, any way to fix it? (SOLVED)

148 TeraCotaYT  5.0 years ago

Aero Drag detection is broken. If i mirror the plane, one the same part will create more drag on the left side than the right side. Any way do fix this issue? What causes it? Screenshot here:

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    @IStoleYourMeme Thank you, it helped.

    5.0 years ago
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    You can use Overload to adjust the drag of individual parts. Look for properties “dragScale” and “calculateDrag”. To make them even it’s easiest to just disable the drag on them.
    dragScale scales the drag on the part and nothing else.
    calculateDrag removes the part from drag calculation completely. If calculateDrag = false, a part behind it will have drag as if the drag disabled part isn’t there.

    5.0 years ago