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The SP map is BAD and NEEDS an UPDATE!!!

235k jamesPLANESii  5.0 years ago

Ok, that’’s a bit of click bait, but I do believe this is quite a big issue.
I think the SimplePlanes map needs a complete overhaul. All the islands have several issues. Let me explain.


Wright island ugly, spiky and unrealistic. The dumbest part about it is the trench that runs right through it. Think about it: a meandering, 5,000 foot deep trench with completely vertical walls which average about 500m appart at both the bottom and the top. It looks ugly.
Wright can be fun to go bush flying around with all the airstrips, but the trench just makes it feel fake.


This island is basically just boring. The valleys are too wide and straight to be exciting to fly through, the terrain seems like melted cheese... not to mention there isn’t a single tree on this rainforest textured island.
Also, there’s two medium-sized airports with bridges, but apart from that, there’s no sign of civilisation anywhere!
It’s just dull. There’s not much fun for any kind of plane to do.
Though, I’ve gotta admit, knocking the bridges down is pretty fun... maybe if it gets overhauled, keep the bridges 😉


I quite enjoy this map... or at least I would if you didn’t get shot bu a missile every time you go within 10 miles of the island!!!
It’s so sad because the tundra wasteland area would be so good for screenshots and cool battles, but you get shot every time you don’t change your location to the ice base when you restart! (Too bad, cars!)
So sad.


May war is a wasted opportunity. It’s the biggest island, and it looks great, but it doesn’t have any airports or airstrips, and it’s ruined by a weird, alien-looking pyramid in the middle that you have to avoid while taking realistic screenshots of your planes, and it has a massive flat area next to it that’s wasted with a bunch of laggy wind turbines! (BTW the wind turbines are the reason Maywar isn’t on mobile because they lag. They cause far more lag than the size of the island.)
I loge using Maywar for screenshots, but that it really. There’s not much else to do with planes there.

Sky park

Sky part is cool, you can have a bit of fun there, but the stuff is too big for cars. It would be nice if there was a bit of terrain there as well.
It would be nice if the stuff there was a bit smaller and there was more stuff there.

Stuff that’s missing

Mountain flying is the most fun you can have in an aeroplane. Whether it’s landing on sloping runways in a bush plane, or flying at high speed through the interlocking spurs.
In X Plane, the main places I fly is Papua New Guinea and Idaho because mountain flying is so fun! And the scenery is amazing! A mountainous map (that is, multiple mountains and valleys, not just one big mountain like Krakabloa or Wright) would be cool.
A plains map and city map would be cool too. A map with farm land and some towns would be great, especially for vehicles.

Here’s why having a good map is important...

Most people who have SimplePlanes just download other’s creations and fly them. They generally don’t build themselves.
In Steam, with the achievements, the main achievement everyone has is downloading a plane, with over 56% of players with it, which is about 50% higher than every other achievement in the game. So people generally play with planes.
Having a good, all-round map that people can play with these planes on is important and will help keep more players playing the game, which means more money for the devs and more fun for us.

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    Remastering maps would require a bit of work from a small team like ours. Considering the age of the game, I personally feel that amount of work would be better used on a entirely new SimplePlanes.

    Pinned 5.0 years ago
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    15.9k Vidal99977

    @AndrewGarrison I am sorry for the tag but this has to become true or I will quit my SP career forever.

    Pinned 5.0 years ago
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    @weebabyseamus heh, look now

    2 months ago
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    1,314 PZLAgencies

    u hurt my feelings

    1.3 years ago
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    1,314 PZLAgencies

    @Flyinguy yes uss tiny 2 should have a discoverable launch location.

    1.3 years ago
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    1,314 PZLAgencies

    And just download the map plugins.

    1.3 years ago
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    1,314 PZLAgencies

    There's also another smaller tundra across the river from the bigger tundra. And I would just do the Blue Glacial Park or just spawn at the ice base and respawn at the tundra.

    1.3 years ago
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    1,314 PZLAgencies

    Also just download the missile launcher remover mod. Not gonna lie but this post is pretty stupid.

    1.3 years ago
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    1,314 PZLAgencies

    The pyramid in the center of Maywar...


    Like there's a literal easter egg in there that I have fun doing. Bruh. Maywar is my favorite island if I cannot pick the map plugins.

    1.3 years ago
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    15.9k Vidal99977

    @TheTomatoLover nah I just, lost motivation and moved on with life

    +1 1.3 years ago
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    28.2k blt

    @weebabyseamus what about now

    1.3 years ago
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    28.2k blt

    @Graingy especially the darn base missiles

    1.3 years ago
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    28.2k blt

    @Vidal99977 is this why you gone?

    1.3 years ago
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    15.1k Rodrigo110

    I've said before that SimplePlanes has good potential that has been utterly squandered. There are literally a million and one things that could be done to this game and the dev team does maybe one of those things every 2-3 years. They're lucky there is such a creative and loyal fanbase to this game, because to be completely honest I don't really think they deserver it based on the amount of work they put in.

    Not to mention instead of overhauling it they decided to focus on SR2, a game that has been far less popular because it exists in a space with the far more dominant KSP - The entire reason SP was so good was because there's nothing like it! But no, instead of turning it into the incredible game it could be the devs essentially make a failed competitor to SP2 when they already have a game in a niche of its own...

    I know this comes across as super harsh, but after having played this game for 8 years these are my honest thoughts.

    +2 1.7 years ago
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    39.1k Graingy

    God I hate snowstone.
    Not because it's boring, but because you can't use the goddamn place for sh1t.

    +2 1.9 years ago
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    4,114 Ryunekoo

    @jamesPLANESii just add the airports from JNO

    2.1 years ago
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    @Ryunekoo Nah. If you want that, you might aswell just play SR2. Also Droo has nowhere near enough detail to be entertaining for an aircraft and car based game. I would rather have something smaller and hand made.

    2.1 years ago
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    4,114 Ryunekoo

    @weebabyseamus port the droo planet to sp

    2.1 years ago
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    165 Flyinguy

    I think there should be a STATIONARY helipad behind uss tiny. I also think the destroyer helipad should be a location along with uss tiny 2. And I think you should be able to fly through the krakabloa volcano like a tunnel in the side of the volcano THAT IS BIG ENOUGH and make it pretty low to the ground. Write isles needs more mountains. Finally NO TRENCHES on krackabloa it is ugly and useless but keep the bridges and Mobil convoys in a dirt road AROUND the island

    +1 2.6 years ago
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    Agreed, maybe city sceneries with tall buildings were looks like a great idea. Plus, we need a bigger, wide plains island as well. And also, "Forest". Trees are looks rare in SimplePlane, only can be seen at the specific places (mostly palm trees, just like in Bandit and Yeager). Looks like all of the forest in the planet of Droo has been deforested.
    And yeah sure, i am agree when there is an airport in Maywar, it may looks like Resembling Area 51. Maybe renamed them into Area 52 or anything else.
    I would also like to see some sunken structures under the sea. It may be like an easter egg stuff or something

    +4 2.6 years ago
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    I think it is fine and you need to suck it up and at least you even have the game

    2.9 years ago
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    1,355 Kestrel990

    I say that they just need to add trees to krakabunga and add maywar to mobile regardless of the lag

    3.3 years ago
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    3.3 years ago
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    sky park is kinda more of a artificial island

    4.0 years ago
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    Yeah, the terrain at Wright Isles and Krakabloa needs a major rework and a proper road system, yeah, krakabloa road is ugly it looks like a super giant maze, yeah normal dirt roads needs to be in the game and at least they also add a town in any of those 2 islands

    4.3 years ago
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