Hello, i got a problem, i wan't to do a VTOL with the nozzles and a big thruster, but the big thruster move the CenterOfThrust, but, to do a VTOL, you need to have the CenterOThrust in the center of mass, so is there an option to ignore a part with the indications of Centers ?
Ok so i made my plane and i place the nozzles randomly, and i correct their position so i found a good spot, that's not the most optimized option but that's a solution
Yes, but they are trying to place the VTOL nozzles with the big engines on. That’s why I said to just guess and check.
@Random40 no, I meant that if the CoT changes, you should ignore the change
Are you sure this is possible? There is no option in the designer do it to ignore an engine.
Just use your attachment editor to disconnect the engine from the rest of the plane, put the VTOL engines in the right spot, and use the attachment editor to reattach the big engine.
@Noname918181 Hello ! How ? It's what i search
@Random40 I did it, don't work because it's not the same part
Ignore the change of the CoT when adding the big engine.
@Random40 Oh ! Good idea thanks, i will try !
In those situations, I would just keep testing it and making small changes until it works. You could also remove the big engine and replace it with a block that has the same weight until you figure it out.