Hi, I've been working on a project where I have a full cockpit interior with mostly working instruments. Whenever these instruments run, I get lots of torque exerted on the aircraft even though I made the instrument hands massless. I want to keep the instruments working at high speeds for accuracy. Does anyone know a solution to keep the rotors of the instruments from rolling the aircraft other than creating opposite torque?
@Noname918181 tried them all, none stayed in the interface or worked. I tried it on a small rotator.
@EGplanes i think all of them
@Noname918181 so it would look like colloctiveTorque and outerTourque or would it be collectiveTorqueScalar?
XML values. Using overload, traverse to the "rotorperfscalars" set. Set the values of collective tourqe and the outer tourqe to 0. Works like a charm
I just hide one somewhere else that spins the other way