How do you build detailed car bodies I've tried a hundred times but cant get curves or anything right and out of the block phase look
How do you build detailed car bodies I've tried a hundred times but cant get curves or anything right and out of the block phase look
When i first saw @TakicraftCorporation cars it looks good, im still yet to figure out how he build cars but atleast i have some that is somewhat comparable (check my car, simple blocky design)
Let the bodies hit the- wait, what?
It's a bit hard to explain this, but i'll try:
First you gonna need fuselage blocks to start. You can use the block's 'add fuselage' ability to make a nice chain and build continously. You also not limited by the basic width and height numbers, you can enter custom numbers as well, to form a perfect end for the block. You can also adjust the block's angle ratio. If you mix these abilities correctly you can manage to make a nice body shape for your cars. I recommend you to just try out what you can do with a fuselage block. Take one and check the setups, pull the sliders write in numbers, etc... If you still need some answers check out my car building guide that you can find here
Use this.
Dont make it solid, make it hollow, and use the angle tool. Other than that its just about practice and experience really. And be creative about how you use blocks.
Wait. Did you just say that you are bad at hiding the bodies?
Lol if bodies is my lack of ability then yes ArcturusAerospace
I thought that this was about hiding the bodies at first.
Also I dont have Instagram I'm sorry
That's the thing I try using fuesalage blocks but I just cant shape them the way others do they make amazing builds and connect them in a way I have yet to figure out and make what they want to make.
My insta: chumbryk228
I use the fuselage block,it have a shapes,circular,curved,smooth,hard
Say your instagram,i send you screenshots
I understand