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The difference between SP and SR2 and what I think SimplePlanes2 should be (Oppinion)

235k jamesPLANESii  4.9 years ago


SimpleRockets2 is a lot more of a science based game. The designer of the game is far more optimised for making functional crafts that are highly tinker able, rather than doing stuff like making complex mechanisms like SP.
An example of this is how everything in the designer is rather disconnected, for example, you can’t do 2 things at once (ie, you can’t nudge and rotate parts at the same time without having to navigate a menu) and fuselage blocks only have the node attachments and no surface attachments. Also, there’s far more things you can adjust in the game.
This is great for very low part count crafts that are designed to be optimal to getting to other planets, but really infuriating to make highly detailed crafts with complex mechanisms —something comparatively far easier to do in SP.


SimplePlanes is far more of an engineering and art game. The aim is, instead of exploring and making simple crafts for things, is making complex and detailed 3D models that can be uploaded to the site when done.
The designer is very streamlined: everything can be done at the same time (apart from things where it’s pretty much impossible for them to be done at the same time like painting your plane and building at the same time), everything is only 1 or 2 clicks away in the menus— some stuff isn’t even in a menu! And there’s generally no limit of connections you can add to parts. This is perfect for detailing and building really fast with high part count builds. And the connection editor (which is only 1 click away in a menu instead of a whole maze away in SR2) helps us easily build complex mechanisms.
As someone who loves building, I LOVE SP!


Due to some recent comments made Andrew and Kevin, SimplePlanes2 seems to be in serious consideration (though the project hasn’t started yet I’m assuming). So I guess this is kinda appropriate.

A couple of extra things I like in SP that I suggest Jundroo keep in SP2

One thing I like is how you’re slowly lead into the game. Without Fine Tuner and Overload activated, the game is quite simple and it’s not overwhelming when you first start. A thing I find in SR2 is when you don’t know much, the amount of settings for things that you can tinker with is very overwhelming. I don’t know what the hell half the settings on jet engines do. And there’s no explanation of what any of them do!
It would be OK if these things were in SP2, but maybe have a setting in the settings where you can have simplified designer without complex settings for parts, and without fine tuner.
Another thing is the streamlined designer... in fact, even better, it would be awesome if you’d keep the designer pretty much identical! As the designer is at the moment, I don’t really see how it could be improved. Jundroo tried improving it in SR2, but in my opinion, they took away what made it great. I think it’s best that they don’t tinker with it.
You can change the parts in the game, but NOT THE DESIGNER!!!

Direction of the game

I personally think it would be best to see SR2 go in a more scientific direction and SimplePlanes2 go in a more engineering and art direction. Mainly because that makes the two games different, but also because art and engineering is the main part of SimplePlanes I enjoy and what I think SR2 seriously lacks.
When Jundroo adds features, make them so they make building systems, shapes, and details easier and more accurately. Not necessarily stuff that makes the game overly complex. That can be left for SR2.

Features I’d love in SP2

1. A new map

What’s the point in having a game where you can make beautiful, functional vehicles if the map is of a quality that it looks like it could have been made in 2 days? cough looking at you SP cough
A world that’s fun to play around on with every kind of vehicle is what we need.
The current SP map is the game’s main downfall. People download a plane, then the see the map, and after 5 minutes, they get bored. The map is BORING! There’s barely anything to do! It’s unrealistic! It’s dumb! It’s bad!
What the devs need to do is get a simulator (preferably X Plane or FS2020 if it’s out at the time) and maybe some car and ship sims, download a wide variety of vehicles, and see what locations and things to do are the most fun. And make things in the map that are based on those locations and activities.

2. Aerofoils.

It would be awesome if, with the advanced mode activated, there was the ability to create our own aerofoil shapes using aerofoil-shaped wings. This would be a super cool feature.

3. The ability to adjust the completion amount of hollow fuselages

You know what? Add this in SP 1.10! It’s an essential feature! We NEED this!!!! PLEASE DEVS! There’s so many applications for this block it’s mind blowing, and it will double the detail and half the part count of aircraft.

4. A new-style hinge rotator, and ball rotators.

A niggle I have with the current hinge rotators in SP where the hinge bit of the rotator isn’t exactly in the centre. It’s just a bit annoying.
It would also be awesome if we could make hinges stiff (ie, not wobble about). This would make building heavy duty things and small things like car suspension much better and easier.

5. Texture parts.

One of the most satisfying things in SP is when you use a part not intended for something for a really clever use, like using a counter measure dispenser as a mini speaker, or using the side of a large rotator as a radiator in a car. It’s so fun!
It’d be super cool if there were a few parts that have no use whatsoever except as random textures that are common on aeroplanes (modern or old). This’d be pretty cool.

6. Glass.

The main point of glass is that you can see through it from both directions, and it protects you from the elements. This ancient, definitely not 7 day old technique of scaling a part negative in one direction so that it becomes inside out kinda defeats the point of glass because you can’t see out, and if you have a complex canopy that’s made of several shapes, there’s a bunch of lines going through it, which is kinda lame ngl.
A glass block should be made for this, which would pretty much be a hollow fuselage block that’s transparent and slightly glossy. The ability to tint it (lighter and darker, and the ability to change the colour) would be cool too. Maybe that’s be what the paint tool does ;)

7. Negative space blocks.

This would be really really useful too. The only thing is, how would you see it in the designer? That’s a technical hurdle I’ll leave to the devs :D

8. Compatibility with SP1 builds with the game

This would definitely bring people from SP to SP2. I’d LOVE this feature! I’ve built loads of planes that I’m really proud of in SP.
Also, having the SP and SP2 site in the same plane would be super cool too.

What do you think?

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    Negative space blocks should be pulsating translucent yellow

    Pinned 4.8 years ago
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    No. They should work on all blocks lol @BurkeEnterprise

    4.8 years ago
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    More flushed out idea: there should be a separate camera view to see all the negative blocks, like the x-ray view but it’s a negative space view
    More controversial idea: negative space blocks should only work on fuselage blocks

    4.8 years ago
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    If you’re thinking about the technical hurdle on how to make negative space fuselage blocks visible (I have been too lol), check out @BurkeEnterprise’s idea, I think it’s really clever!

    4.8 years ago
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    @jamesPLANESii I know it is
    Jk, I thought so because that’s what the “select” option is

    4.8 years ago
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    That’s actually a fantastic idea @BurkeEnterprise

    4.8 years ago
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    @JohnnyBoythePilot These are the features I would like the most too and I am glad that the SP community is very responsible in general about features and the purpose of the game. And to make it event better the devs have seemed very responsible about it (even though SR2 is ever so slightly higher on the priority, which is fair).
    The only 2 things that limits SP to SP1 I think is the map and physics. Change those and the game feel completely new! It is definitely needed for 2.0 but is IMO not enough to justify a completely new game to sell.

    +1 4.8 years ago
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    That too. I think they could still just keep SP and keep refining & improving the game without a totally new & different game such as SR2. Honestly that's actually probably the best option. I'm really glad to see them continuously improving the game and I for sure thought SR2 would actually be sort of a replacement for SP and SP would only go up to update 2.0 before development is stopped, but I think it will keep going beyond that.

    +1 4.8 years ago
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    My biggest "features request" for SP2 or simply for an update to SP is:

    -Overhauled map or just more realistic & interesting islands added to the current map (or maybe keep the old map and have the option to switch to a newer updated map like map mods)
    -A large international-style airport for those into heavy metal birds
    -New customizable engines & landing gear like SR2
    -Glass fuselage blocks
    -Airfoil-shaped wing parts that are fully customizable with various airfoil shapes

    SP isn't really SimplePlanes anymore but more like "ComplexPlanes". However I think it can still keep it's simple side while offering more complex options for experienced builders who make more complex, realistic, and detailed builds.

    +1 4.8 years ago
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    32.0k Exumer

    There's a way to add negative space to the game and that is to subtract the space one block has from another block, something I use in my 3D design software that works pretty well. Idk if they'd be interested in adding that though.

    +1 4.9 years ago
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    13.9k ChrisPy

    Ok I actually have a really awesome idea for improvement: We make our own shapes. When I made my F-16 I didn’t know what to do with those pesky fuselage curves so I simplified it. It would be great if we could do something like Autodesk where we make a drawing and can extrude, loft ,and pattern things. This will make building easier, more accurate and save a ton of time. I would still have the fuselage block and some other things but this would help a ton!!! @ChiChiWerx @CoolPeach @jamesPLANESii

    4.9 years ago
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    SP is great, for what the game lacks in technicality you can compensate by cleaver building and skill like @BogdanX has been doing for a while now.
    Keep in mind that a lot of very useful engineering features were only added to the base game last patch (FT, overload, DS, and the funky trees). Up to now these were all mods except for funky trees which simplified the cleaver engineering tricks you had to pull of for a basic sub-system MASSIVELY.
    I'd the that the only thing that SP needed to level up was the funky trees.
    As I and you mentioned in @RailfanEthan 's post, SP2 is not needed. What I'd advise the devs is to just take time to improve and add more content to SP. To mark SP 2.0 they could add something big like a map or physics revamp, or a complete new set of procedural parts like SR2's.
    That's just my take on the situation.

    +2 4.9 years ago
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    18.0k AtlasSP

    I think we need to have the Multi Selection 2.0 feature in the designer (unlike Finetuner's MultiSelection), I'm annoyed that I have to click on each to adjust the same properties instead of just pressing. hold Shift + Click on the parts to be edited at the same time (for example, I click on 10 parts then open Overload and set the Head to 10000) and also delete or move the selected part. This will help and greatly reduce everyone's editing time.

    +1 4.9 years ago
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    25.5k Mustang51

    For all those saying “why not just make an update to SP with these features”: this is not a profitable strategy for Jundroo. Remember, they need to make money off of this because this is their profession. By making us buy a new game, we get a bunch of new awesome features while they get more revenue. That way, everyone is happy.

    4.9 years ago
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    4,622 Bman01


    +1 4.9 years ago
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    54.2k CoolPeach

    Hmm, that’s just making the game more complicated. Imagine ur completely new, you given the new parts to play with, then you wanna download something cause it looks cool and then all the sudden it has completely different parts. That’s just gonna confuse people. I admit it’d be nice, but I think if we want sp2 to be good we have to leave SP1 behind. @jamesPLANESii

    4.9 years ago
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    The most detailed planes in SR2 are still of average-good quality for SP. You could easily build the cockpit of that Discovery Space Shuttle with twice as much detail in SP

    Keep in mind that SR2 is only around 18 months old, so people haven't had nearly as much time to get familiar with the game as you lot have.

    +1 4.9 years ago
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    16.9k YourWife

    lmao just add these to the base game and save the hassle of making an entirely new one

    tho honestly a sequel to sp is about the last thing i want

    +4 4.9 years ago
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    That doesn’t mean you can’t add new parts and keep the SP1 parts hidden. Also I don’t see why there couldn’t be a feature set between an SP1 and SP2 drag model for classic planes... @CoolPeach

    4.9 years ago
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    Yeah lmao @goboygo1

    4.9 years ago
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    The most detailed planes in SR2 are still of average-good quality for SP. You could easily build the cockpit of that Discovery Space Shuttle with twice as much detail in SP. @SupremeDorian

    +1 4.9 years ago
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    Yes please.

    +1 4.9 years ago
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    I agree but there's something else we need

    varible fusalages!

    I imagne there being a slider that shows how much percentage of the block is there, for example 50% would be half, 25% would be a quarter and so on, it would be great for making cockpits, bomb bays, landing gear doors and so much more! devs pls add this!

    +3 4.9 years ago
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    28.3k goboygo1

    The Inside out block glass is a lot more than seven days old, people were doing it practically as soon as fuselages were added.

    4.9 years ago
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    157k MAHADI

    how about just upgrading to SP 2.0? in that way, nothing extra would be needed. thus you can have SP2 in the same site in the same way as now.

    4.9 years ago
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