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My suggestion for a update

9,068 Pophead  4.9 years ago

I have nothing against this game however I do feel like the amount of people who build fictional builds like me and franzpetersiegfried for example but we have to make due with the parts we got wich sometimes isn’t enough so I was thinking how about a update giving more options in overload like

explosionResistance for parts.
selfHarm false or true for all of the weapons.
projectileType railGun for cannons.
the ability to add collisionGroups to parts so that they can only collide with specific pieces.
smokeColor for a flare design option and a smokeScreen option for flares/Chaffs.
a helium option for the fuselage blocks or even a new block called the helium block wich is the opposite of the buoyancy block so that making airships is easier.
a scope option for the cockpit because some people like me put the cockpit on the barrel of tanks so that we can see where we are aiming and if you give multiple choice of how it would look the people who put scope on their tanks or in some cases planes they would be more inclined to using them more often then building such complex scopes wich not only would be beneficial to the community but also the data banks that you hold all of the creations because less parts means less lag, less data, less complexity and even less time needed Putting things in the correct places.

Or maybe even a new set of futuristic/modern parts like
warp drives.
reactive armor.
Composite armor.
defense systems.
a set of energy weapons.
a radar jammer and a smoke trail part to make dog fights more interesting.
a set of blocks called glass blocks that are basically fuselage block that is somewhat see through this would make custom cockpits look even better plus I bet 100% of the community has been wanting this since the release anyways if not that then maybe a opacity option for all parts that you can choose how transparent you want it to be.
or maybe even program blocks that let you program builds to do something every few seconds or so with hinges pistons rotators gyroscopes flaps props exedra.
maybe even more types of jets like pulse jets and jets that have extreme speed but also a extremely quick fuel burn rate, props, lights, bombs, landing gears and cockpits.

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    Be able to fire salvos then reload

    +1 4.9 years ago
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    9,068 Pophead

    @Trumanthetiger270 I finished
    That sounds wrong

    +1 4.9 years ago
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    67.3k SnoWFLakE0s

    selfHarm false or true for all of the weapons
    the ability to add collisionGroups to parts so that they can only collide with specific pieces

    disableAircraftCollisions will work wonders for you. Though this doesn't apply to explosive damage (though why would you not want bombs to do their job?).
    The second is interesting but already possible if you do your disableAircraftCollisions right.

    4.9 years ago
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    67.3k SnoWFLakE0s

    or maybe even program blocks that let you program builds to do something every few seconds or so with hinges pistons rotators gyroscopes flaps props exedra.

    Funky Trees says hello.

    +1 4.9 years ago
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    @Pophead can you edit the air to air missiles for my aircraft jet project 5 please

    +1 4.9 years ago
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    @Pophead Thank you I just haven't seen it yet it's hard to see the stuff sometimes on mobile

    4.9 years ago
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    9,068 Pophead

    That’s already in the game they are settings in overload lockTime for lock on delay and maxRange/minRange sets a distance cap also here are a few other things firingDelay to make them fire faster or longer maxSpeed to give them a custom speed maxTargetingAngle lets you increase or decrease the lock circle max you can put is 360 and the minimum you can put is 1 maxFuelTime let’s you make it so it will run out of fuel there are a whole bunch of things you can do with each and every part those are all of the ones I can think of at the top of my head for missiles. Also if you put name in the weapons overload section you can give it a custom name the only weapon you can’t use the name option on if the minigun and the machine gun. @Trumanthetiger270

    +1 4.9 years ago
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    Be able to change the time it takes to lock onto something with a missile. And the lock on range and radius

    4.9 years ago
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    9,068 Pophead


    4.9 years ago
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    Nope, butyou can easily make one in SP.

    +1 4.9 years ago
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    9,068 Pophead

    Also @ArcturusAerospace have your heard of the metal storm 1M bullet per minute gun

    4.9 years ago
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    4.9 years ago
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    9,068 Pophead

    Railgun projects theoretically can be explosive also they are different from basic Because it would pretty much go straight through the entire craft damaging things along the way the basic shot only damages one part most of the time. @ArcturusAerospace

    4.9 years ago
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    But railgun projectiles are non-explosive... We have the Basic ammo type already. Just XML the velocity.

    +2 4.9 years ago